The really important kind of freedom involves attention,
and awareness, and discipline, and effort,
and being able truly to care about other people
and to sacrifice for them, over and over,
in myriad petty little unsexy ways, every day.
~ David Foster Wallace
Yes its a late night post, almost didn't take time out for you today. Almost took a break, a day off, and it bothered me. I come to look forward to your comments, and I also take great pride in the fact that my words, inspiration may mean something to you. May help your day, or night breathe a little easier.
Times are indeed hard on many of us, financial, health, family issues, friends bringing problems to our attention. Employment issues, unemployment, sons and daughters at war.... The list can go on and on.
But we do care, we do have love in our hearts for others, sometimes more than even ourselves.
I stumbled upon this quote by David Foster Wallace. A great master of letters, and words, an author of sort. The quote above was taken from the 2005 Kenyon College commencement speech to that years graduation class.
His work and speech for that day prepares many of us for our daily grind to work and back. Life in the checkout lane at our local grocery store, or life on the highways of life.
So much filled with humor and yes pain for existence.
Another quote I pull from his speech here:
It is unimaginably hard to do this,
to stay conscious and alive, day in and day out.
No, it is very hard, with the many problems this world has to offer to stay focused on joy, smiles, laughter but we must.
We must take the time, make the time to share love.
To share compassion.
To not have to understand everything that happens to us and its meaning (I can't figure out any of this stuff in my life lol), no we need to just BE.
Be confident!
Be happy!
Be prayerful (should be first)
Be content with life as it happens and make the most out of what we truly have to offer.
On a personal note, this moment in time that I tread through is like hard stuff for me. I miss coming home to someone who really loves me, (I know my kids love me, but Xbox and Disney channel still I miss that time on the porch listening to crickets or the wind.
Do I miss the person that hurt me, no, just the idea that someone was here and could care.
I will trudge on.... no ..... I will smile on, my heart is to much in love with life and hope and promise.
I will look up, not down.
I will breathe deep, not shallow.
I will not because I have to ..... but because I truly love that in life.
No doors to knock on .... you bet there will be not right away but God has a plan for me.
I know it, I sense.
I thank him in advance for his plans. I look forward to them.
So tonight I write with only a few of the seconds in this day that remain.
We all get 86,400 more tomorrow.
I will find you there as well I pray.
Good night and smiles sent your way as always.
Smiles sent your way : ) 09/21/11 for more visit our web site for membership (its free) join on the home page We encourage - We want to entertain - We share - Believe and make a difference. Sharing since March 09, 2009 Make ME Smile Online
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