Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Aspirations and our faith in them, our view from below that reaches above

Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.

I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,

believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.

~Louisa May Alcott

It is far better to aspire, to dream, to strive for what we wish than to ignore our spirit, our love and passion that we all carry within.


That is simply what I believe that so many from past experiences of failure or hurt truly just give in.  They long passed that 'why bother' sign post and they are about to turn on the crowded street called bitterness.

A quiet street for many, as they just hang out and stew. LOL

But know I see beauty in what I aspire to do. So should you.

Have that vivid, clear, colorful and rich picture of what you aspire to.  Make it bright, make it loud, make it fun these aspirations that reach to the sky, and dance in the sunshine.

Sometimes the sunshine of our aspirations blinds us and maybe thats why Louisa mentions that she tries to follow her aspirations where they may lead.  But she always believes in them.  She always had faith.  Faith in her aspirations, her view of the beauty of them.

Yesterday I listened to a audio version of Charles Stanley daily audio message.  Click on this link and you can go to this message.

He talks about our view of faith and how we can fail during the stages of faith in our daily walk.

Worth the listen.

The world is full of struggles.  The news is full of gloom.  The darkest hour can be turned around by the brightest second of faith that lasts first for a minute, then two, then ten minutes, then more.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for,

the evidence of things not seen.

Hebrew 11:1

Louisa in her quote above had hope, saw beauty, attached faith and even with some doubt ignored it and reached for her aspirations.

So should we.... so should you.

We have the evidence in our heart of what we long for.

Some long for love, for passion.

Some long for comfort, for rest for they are weary.

Some long for hope, for a better time, a kinder gentler time.

The search for all of these start from within.

Love and you shall be loved.

Comfort and comfort will return to you.

Hope, and you will search the sunshine for your aspirations and maybe just maybe you will not reach them, but oh how the beauty of them will warm your soul and spirit.

Believe in them your aspirations and always try to follow where they lead you.  Dream big ~ Laugh often ~ Love Always!

Smiles sent your way   :  )


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