Happy Monday everyone! I hope your week is not only special but a week where you make a difference not only in your life but in the life of another.
I watched 60 minutes last night and the story of gold and the Congo in Africa and how children and adults work for $1 a day to mine for gold. Harsh conditions and physical labor that is beyond belief. How lucky we have it here in America.
I watched the the highlights of shoppers on Black Friday rush and run through stores just to outrace another and get that item advertised on TV.
Later I watched CNN Heroes at awards program of sorts that rewards 10 people that are committed to making a difference in the world. Whether providing shelter for homeless vetarans or a bartender who helps 3rd world countries with digging for fresh clean water. How inspiring ordinary american's can be.
We mine for bargains at our local store
We mine for coupons to save a few dollars at the store.
How lucky we are to be here in America.
So here is my thought, maybe this year we can promise ourselves to mine a smile upon our heart to help not only ourselves but help another who just may need one of our smiles shared upon them.
What do think? Think we could that for ourselves and others?
I pray so! Make a difference this year. Help someone who just may need that lift in there step, or spirit.
Yes you can make a difference.
Yes I hope you and all you come in contact feel compelled to say enough with our gluttony lets make a difference with someone else.
Even if it is just a simple smile.
Till next time.... share a smile, raise a spirit start with you and work upon another.
www make me smile online dot com