Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Never forget to say thanks.... Part 2 of 3 ~ November 11, 2009

Good morning everybody and happy Veterans day! Yesterday I talked about what the American soldier does for us each and every day. The sacrifices they put aside to cover us with the blanket of freedom we all enjoy.

We don't have to run through the streets to avoid enemy fire to get to our destination.

We don't have to worry about armed check points to go to our neighboring state.

We don't have barbed wire that divides us from the enemy.

Our shores are our beaches, and our havens to relax and rest.

Our mountains are not our lookouts or hideaways, they are our back ground to a beautiful day.

Our skies are not littered with bombs and planes falling out of the sky they are filled with blue and clear sun shine.

Our soldiers everyday want nothing more than to come back home to us.

They do a job that has no clock to punch in or out. They do what they do and often just want safety for their brothers in battle.

I found this video that puts into perspective what a soldier really wants. They want to be loved and remembered not put into the middle of a political battle or story.

I watched all 5 minutes of this video and I think it does a very good job telling that story and making that point. Enjoy it. Keep those political barbs out of today and know that the only story is the one about the soldier and the veteran who serve and have served for our freedoms.

Enjoy! Stand proud America and don't forget to smile!!

Happy Veterans Day all......Thanks to the American Soldier where ever you are....

God Speed and stay safe!

Till next time and every time don't forget to smile ! ! !

www make me smile online dot com

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