Happy Thursday everyone! A little rain in the burg today. But imagine the thought of snow at this time.
Last year the light up night in Pittsburgh was in the low 20's with windy conditions. The weather cut through you it was cold we even left before the fireworks were over. This year the weather will be in the mid 40's by late evening so it should be much more comfortable. I am very thankful for this. It is so much more enjoyable when your not freezing.
Does your city or town have a light up night?
So another day to give thanks. This is your day! A day to take hold of your thoughts, your actions and get feedback from your results.
I liked yesterday's quote by Clint Eastwood regarding 'if you want a guarantee by a toaster'.
How true this is, there are no guarantee's in life. When we think or assume that there are we often get very disappointed. Life for sure has its twist and turns and peaks and valleys.
Our attitude and gratitude play a very big part in how the world interacts with us.
We have the stage when we are participating in the game of life.
Yes life is at time a game or at the very least a live performance on a stage. We are the main character and we have many supporting characters that help us along the way.
We should always choose wisely of course, who we interact with. Does the supporting cast support us and enhance or are they toxic and detract from our basic goal.
Do we get enough sleep? How is our diet and are we getting enough of the right food in the correct proportions? We are in control and as always we need to monitor our contributions to our game or performance.
I am very grateful today for these things in my life.
~ my passion. My passion for life and belief that no matter what storm is hitting in my life it does not last forever. It will move on and I can play a part in how I look at my performance, my passion and drive.
~ my vision. Not just the health of my sight of course but the curious nature of how can I make this better. What can I do to improve the outcome and more importantly what should be avoided at all cost so as not to get in the way of a successful outcome.
~ my belief that all people are inherently good. Now of course there are bad people out here and they are not always out for our best interest. But I do believe in trusting my inner spirit to weed them out or at the very least be wary. How sad it would be if we are always skeptical or worried that someone is trying to undercut us from our goals in life. We are the controller, and the master of our plans. We ask God in our prayers for wisdom and insight to a particular matter but we must use his principles and teachings to aid us in making the right actions.
Prayer and deep thought with a large portion every day of Gratitude. When we mix our day with healthy portions of these ingredients then we are sure to come out with our best game.
Live is a game my friend. We should always be playing to stay in it. Play to win and always work on how we can make a difference in some one else's day. A smile, a kind word or a simple random act of kindness will go along way, longer than we may ever really notice. Longer than we ever my realize.
What we do each and ever step of the journey of life can change a life, a moment.
Reach out and stretch and make a difference.
Share that smile!
Share that kindness that naturally exists in your spirit.
Till next time...... Smile! and Share your life's Joy!
www make me smile online dot com
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