Thursday, April 30, 2009


The smile, a simple yet powerful action, you increase your interactivity with others many times, because of a smile. But what if you misplaced your smile? What if factors are getting the best of you? We know this can happen, maybe you lost your job, or know someone who did. The family has a new stress, a health issue, or just uncertainty surrounds you. Any of this sound familiar to you?

“The past does not equal the future” – Anthony Robbins

The mind is everything. What you think you become. — Buddha 563 to 483 BC.

The next step is visualization, the process of forming a mental image in your mind and seeing yourself in that image. Understand the mind, your mind believes what you want it to believe. Your mind and your inner spirit which speaks to you can be empowering or limiting.

Yesterday we asked, what makes you smile. Gather your list and try this simple exercise. Visualize for three minutes, use a timer, if you must, and imagine you doing each of those five things that make you smile. Put yourself in the picture in your mind, think what it would feel like, sound like, smell like and even taste like to be in that moment. Visualize how you feel doing these empowering and happy things. Do this every morning and every night, maybe just before you enter something in your gratitude journal. Try it now and then come back.

So how do you feel?

We are not saying to ignore the situation we are in at any given time. But what you think you become, what you focus on you enter that ‘thought cloud’. The question is can you see through that cloud or is it black and cloudy. If you believe you can do something then you can and like the saying goes if you think you can’t your still right. What we think about we become.

Think about hate, we become a hater.

Think about love, we become loving.

Think about a smile, we will smile.

This brings us to Power Action Thought Number 183

Visualize every day and every night. Visualize what makes you happy, look at your self in that scene in your mind.

We are what we think we are at that moment. A smile on your face can change your moment and the moment of another. It can change your state and it can change another.

Powerful, simple and easy become a ‘Smile Ambassador’ for your place of work, your home, your group of friends. Give someone a smile and make a difference today!

Till then Smile! :)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Will Power

Often we all face challenges and obstacles that at times seem formidable. We all need to simplify each and every problem we face and break them down to what is real and what is unreal.

Everyone has read about the acronym of FEAR which is False Evidence Appearing Real. Many times we are wary of situations where we need not be. A couple of quotes worthy at this point.
The oldest & strongest emotion of mankind is fear.
H.P. Lovecraft

Fear is only as deep as the mind allows
- Japanese proverb

Both of these speak to us in clear terms. Focus on what is real and on what you can do yourself. Believe in your own power and the power of human spirit to overcome fear. The strongest weapon we all have against fear is our conscientious thoughts and our beliefs.

The human mind is the most powerful organ in our body. Here is an interesting article about the mystery's of the mind, click here.

All of us have heard of stories where in the depths of third world countries, 'Witch-doctors' or Shamans as they are called can through the power of the mind and the belief of their followers. can will or convince the mind to behave a certain way with physical reactions.

The smile and laughter have also been proven to heal the sick and improve the overall health of many. The human spirit is and will always have the most power to overcome the evil in the world.

Another quote here:

"Human potential is the same for all. Your feeling, "I am of no value", is wrong. Absolutely wrong. You are deceiving yourself. We all have the power of thought - so what are you lacking? If you have will power then you can change anything. It is usually siad that you are your own master."

Dalai Lama b 1935, 1989 Nobel Peace Prize

Face your fears with a smile, understand and focus on what is real. We all face challenges everyday, but understand we are one and we need not face them alone.

Power Action Thought Number 159 - - Believe and understand what a smile can do to conquer challenges, fears and worry.

Worry not, tomorrow is another day and above all Smile. :)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A Call to Action, Start Today!

First for Our Mission just click here .

After you have had the chance to read it come back. Have you read it.

A simple enough mission don't you think.

Now lets start with the ME in Make Me Smile Online, it is YOU the reader. We believe that we with the help of you can accomplish this mission by implementing just 'one smile at time'. But imagine if you will, if you and your circle of influence could help us in the 'sharing and development' .

Compounded daily all of our smiles together. Just think of all the hurt in just your localized space, your immediate area, your work place, your home, your friends, the people you come in contact with.

Read here how the Encyclopedia Britannica defines the term "Social Movement" , click here and then come back.

What if we understood the following together:

The power of a group of like minded people to start something special.

Next what your world would be like if you just took the time to share the simple power of the smile to change someone's moment.

All of our lives our made of 'moments'.

Our lives, all of them near and far are interconnected and understand this little statement that follows.

The past, our past, does not have to equal the future.

You can make a difference.

How? Begin and understand how your smile can make a difference with someone.

Understand that everything begins with you, and if you put forth the effort to smile more people will see the difference and you will feel the difference.

Next, share the 'social movement' that we are trying to start and develop. Share the mission, share the smile and share the power that we as a group have, a group of like minded people that want to make a difference and we will in fact make that difference.

One smile at time.

If you have idea's, if you are reading this now then act, act upon the simple notion that we can help each other to smile, to be more productive and to be enriched with more joy and happiness.

That cannot be too bad, can it?

Power Action Number 21 -- Share a smile, Share our mission, think for the next

few days what this could mean for our tomorrow's and

our future generation's future.

All because of a simple smile and a start of a 21st century movement to teach others, to share with others, to promote with others, how the power of a smile can and will change a life.

One Smile At A Time. Ready lets begin.

Till then Smile! :)

Comments or idea's or want to join us email us at

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Everyday we make choices, what to wear, where we go, and how and who we interact with. The choices we make can have a profound effect on every aspect of our life, from our health, our emotions and our end results.

But wait, it is not just our choices but our commitment to our choices that matter most.

Almost a majority of substance users in the world today would choose to quit, but even though the want is there, the commitment to the end result, quitting, will determine their success or failure.

Choices and commitment.

We all can make a difference in our life and in someone’s if we choose to and commit to this very simple act of the smile. Understand the why this simple act has the effect it does.

We all want to be happy. Some have so much on their plate that they forget how. Some have so much pain in their life that they may not remember how.

A quote to remember.

If you see a friend without a smile; give him one of yours.

~ Proverb

This quote says it all and if you can live by the following quote, not a bad life indeed.

If the essence of my being has caused a smile to have appeared upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart.Then in living - I have made my mark.”
~ Thomas L. Odem, Jr

Click here for a great video click here.

Our Power Action Thought Number 40 – When a new day begins, dare to smile gratefully.

Enjoy your life, enjoy your day, enjoy the passion that lies within your heart and above all, share a smile.

We never will know the effect of a smile on another and guess what we may never need to know. Just know this, it’s all good.

Till then Smile! :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day 2009. To learn more abut Earth Day and the actions you can take please click on the highlighted links. We only have one Earth, one home base that we all call home. Our mission for this project here at is simple and above on our navigation bar you can find 'Our Mission' and click on it. We also have the News page which gives you a little good news and many resources that we have collected for the Resource Page. As always if you have suggestions or idea's on any of our content please feel free to email me at .

We want to make this world a better place with a simple smile.

We all have heard of the movement 'pay it forward', we like to call ours 'smile it forward' if you will, a movement that we all can take part in every day with not much effort.

We all have our moments of sadness or anger and other forms of stress but know this, they are emotions that we all share, but how long do we really have to share these emotions with ourselves and others. If we can limit the number of hours and minutes of bad, and disempowering emotions and replace them with positive thoughts and emotions what a better world, our world it would be.

We can and will make a difference if we choose and ask yourself one question.

Why wouldn't you want to?

Make a difference in our planet this Earth Day!

Make a difference with each other, every day!

Power Action Thought number 186 - - What every day it is on the calendar make it a good day filled with smiles and positive emotions.

We all have a life clock, a time when we shall pass on from this life into another. Make your minutes and hours count. Make them special each and every one of your hours in some way.

Make your time here worth more than just the grave marker that you leave behind.

Till then Smile! :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

You can't always get what you want.

You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, well you might find you get what you need — Rolling Stones 1969

How many of you ever heard this song on the radio? Music can be a wonderful smile creator. Ever listen to a song and it puts a smile on your face? Music can have that power on you and some songs can stick in your head for the whole day.

Personal Ipod’s and MP3 players like the Zune and others have turned music into a full time activity for some. Millions of songs have been downloaded and many millions to come.

But with the Ipod people have lost focus of each other. It has taken away some of the daily interaction we used to give as we walked down the street or in the mall. Take a moment next time your out at the park or the mall and see how many of us truly let something else take away our focus. I love my Ipod and would not give it up but I still take the time to watch and listen for the oppurtunity to give away a smile to someone who needs one. That is a good feeling to brighten someone’s day and make it better with a smile or a joke or just a compliment. Try it today make someone smile and ask yourself how did that make me feel to make a difference in their life, just for that moment.

Power Action Thought number 182 - - Take the time to watch and look for the oppurtunity to make someone smile today. Make that moment count and make the difference.

You will be glad you did! Human interaction is very important, as it was in history and it will be forever. Don’t let the cell phone or the Mp3 player stop you from making a difference today. One smile at a time!

Till then Smile!! :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Power of the Smile

Sunday morning, coffee at the ready and a keyboard in front of me, not a bad morning at all. This is our 5th Sunday with you and our first full month under wraps at and we are looking forward to much more. Our mission has just started here. Today we want to educate you about the power of the smile.

Ever notice when you look at someone and if you or the other person were not smiling in an instant the smile becomes contagious. If you read the entry onChange yesterday and how we could watch and learn about the smile just by trying our experiment of watching 50 or so go by with no smile given from us and then 50 or so go by with the smile and joy on our face. What would be the outcome? The smile has so much power, a true smile with the eyes and lips can light up a room and bring instant joy.

Ever notice a new born baby and how quick they smile. The joy a baby can bring is amazing. Try this do a search at Youtube and search ‘ smile baby ‘, there is about 34,000 that come up.

Now notice when someone passes away, dies a death of illness or another tragic way, when you look at their face and almost always, you see a sense of peace with a smile in the lips and eyes.

In life and death the smile has so much power to comfort, to heal, and to enhance another.

We here know that through repetition the mind will over time understand this truth. We did not lose our smile from birth we lost the miracle of innocence and imagination.

We lost the dream but if we practice enough, we will get it back. One smile at a time.

I hope you have your gratitude journal. I hope you use it to thank the world around you for what you have and not focus on what you don’t.

We hope you take the time to meditate in a quiet place and prepare your day.

We hope you are free of any addictions, if you are not, focus on the truth of what you really need, we have 6 real human needs that define our spirit.

Power Action Thought Number 120: – Embrace the quiet of a morning, give thanks for what you have and share your smile with the world!

Together the world can and will do amazing things and we want to have you apart of this, one smile at a time! Shared one moment at a time.

Enjoy your Sunday and the week!

Till then Smile! :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Change is necessary, change is possible and change in everyday life happens with or without your cooperation.

Awhile back I read the book ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ by Dr. Spencer Johnson. Published in 1998 this book is a must read and the review/summary is found here. A book worth your

time, buy it or go to your local library and check it out. It is a quick read only 99 pages with pictures.

A quote we like about change :

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. — Charles Darwin

and one more for our message today:

The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn. — Gloria Steinem

Change is never easy and seldom welcome. If we as a society can ever unite to change the human condition of apathy, we would be able to reverse so much hurt,

So many of us stumble and slip through life. Unaware and focused at the same time, so many of us muddle through each day never stopping to really look until

a home based crisis sets in. A critical illness in our family, a death or a tragic story that can do nothing to the observer but stop us in our limping tracks.

So how do we change? Like the 5 stages of grief here is our view of this for the question on the table.

1. Denial and Isolation. — ” What, why do we need to change, everything is ok, it will get better… you’ll see” and ” if we just let enough time go by IT will get better”.

2. Anger — “Oh I can’t believe another (fill in the crisis) why doesn’t someone do something.” “This gotta stop, somehow, someway!!!”

3. Bargaining — ” If we can just do this for now it will get better “. ”We can do anything when we need to, we haven’t found the bottom yet.”

4. Depression – “wow, oh my another (fill in the crisis), can’t we just watch something else, change the channel”.

5. Acceptance — ”Ok enough already”. “If this will get better I will make it better, I am the change agent!” the message and our cause is to educate and promote the simple act of a smile can change a life. One smile at a time.

The change in apathy for this cause will come with personal observation with you the reader, the change agent for this cause.

Power thought Action Number 19 ~ ~ Go to a public place and do 2 things. Observe 25 to 50 people pass you by with a grimace or apathy on your face and witness their apathy. Next observe 25 to 50 people pass you by with your smile and joy on your face. You judge how you felt and how many if not all felt from your action.

The mall, the ball game or the park, you pick and you execute the action of the simple smile on others. Try it, give it a shot and become a change agent.

Unlearn apathy. Just because it always was does not mean it always has to be!

Till then Smile! :)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Join us won't you?

Today! We all have today. We never know how many days we have but we do have right now. We have the power to make a difference, but not everyone does or even tries. Why? Fear? Old habits? The why bother attitude? Today is a gift

Here is a great quote -
"Yesterday's the past and tomorrow's the future. Today is a gift - which is why they call it the present."

-- Bill Keane

Today is a gift so please take a close look at yourself, your beliefs and your goals. The world will be a better place when we all realize that we are in this together, and together we can make a change.

Without a doubt change came to the White House. Why because the belief that we needed a change. People were tired of the last 4 years and wanted change. Again I am not talking politics here, but I am talking about the fact that more people voted than ever before. Change came and only time and patience will show how everything will play out.

The recent Tea Parties were a collective group of people wanting to make a change town after town and city after city people spoke about what they fear will come because of our spending practices. They want to be heard to make a difference for their children and their children's children. Our belief and our mission is simple. We can and will make a difference. But we can't do it alone we need you. So consider this a few simple steps to follow for now.

Step 1 Visit our home on the web, , you will find helpful information about the smile and about making others smile. You will also find funny stuff, and quotes and challenges that will make you think.

Step 2 Contribute, give us your comments and idea's. Share some funny pictures, share a joke or two.

Step 3 Join. Our home is free but membership has it rewards and with your membership you will receive our monthly newsletter and updates emailed to you regarding our home's content.

Step 4 Make someone smile today! Make a difference in some ones life.

Power Action Number 55 -- Contribute to some ones happiness!

We know you will find stories in your day that make you smile. But to give someone the gift of a smile whether by a joke, a story or a genuine concern for their day.

This home on the web is a grass root movement. We all can make a difference and together we will make a bigger difference.

Till then Smile :)

Believe and Trust

What do you believe in? I am not talking about religion or anything of a spiritual nature. That is for a more intimate conversation. No I mean what do you believe in? We should all believe in the human spirit, the human factor that feeds on the inner soul or intuition some call it. We all have that inner voice, hard to define or explain but you have it. Believe in that inner voice, trust in the sense that inner sense of being. I hope I am not losing you here.

We believe in the human factor, the human spirit that is genuine and good. Yeah there is bad in the world but it was not born to be bad or evil. It developed, handed down by generations or just plain ignored into darkness. We are born good, kind and imaginative by nature. We learn hate, anger, sadness and develop tools to numb the human spirit.

The smile, we believe and are convinced can change a moment, a life and like sunshine on a new plant, draw out that human spirit and drive it up to new heights. We trust in you the reader to develop your own game plan for us. We are showing you the playbook, you run the play. Make a difference in some ones life today, this week and see that human spirit rise. A smile can and will do just that. Try it, give one to a complete stranger and say hi ! Be the game changer that we know everyone can be if we just try. A Smile! A simple display of appreciation and of kindness. Give one today! Give one everyday! You just may like it.

Power Action Thought: Number 6 Understand the human spirit was born for greatness.

Once we understand this idea, life can fall into place, one smile at a time!

Till then Smile! :)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Taxes and Tea Parties

Play a word association game with anyone today and say ‘April 15′ many would say taxes. As in the last day to file your income taxes. Who likes this day? Most of us if we had a refund we sent our stuff in many days or weeks ago. If we knew that we had to pay we sent them in today. So it can be a great day for some and for others not so great. STOP! Don’t let a day dictate your smile.

You have many reasons to smile! You do have your gratitude journal going don’t you?

Play a word association game with others again and use the phrase ‘tea party’ and you will get more stuff about taxes. Here is what is happening today all over the country regarding our tea party’s. Click here to read more about it.

Now, I try not to write about religion or politics on here. So I will keep that in play here as well.

Our focus here at is to promote, share, develop and entertain and educate you the reader, how the smile can change a life. I also want everyone to think how we can make a difference as one person or as a group of people.

Former first lady and now Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, wrote a book It takes a village to raise a child. The book speaks to the concept of how the responsibility lies not only with the parents or with the extended family but also the community in raising a child. A community or all of us can make a difference in the life of a child. So lets expand this concept of ‘it takes a village to’ with this little idea.

It takes a village to make the world smile!

We all have the power to smile and like a row of dominoes one after another another will smile with us. When you make that eye contact with someone today smile and say hello. Does it really matter if they say hello back? No it does not. Some will be caught off guard, some will wonder why, but if we all smiled and said hello and took the time to watch out for one another what a better world this would be. Something to think about today.

Today some of us will pay taxes.

Today some of us will throw tea in the river.

Today some us will see a homeless person and walk on by.

Today some of us will go to a movie to escape.

Today some of us will look for a job and

Today some of us will SMILE!

Make a difference today! One Smile at a time.

Power action thought number 58: What if we all watched out for one another?

What if for every person who went to a movie today we threw a dime or a quarter in too fight homelessness?

What if every movie production company did the same for every ticket sold?

What if?

Till then lets all think how we can make the difference and smile! :)

Looking to make a difference?

Our mission should you choose to accept it.

Little things we do matter, they leave a mark in the mind of others. On the “Our Mission” page I published within it a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson regarding success.

The last part reads — “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded”, what a statement. Easy way to make your mark don’t you think.

We interact daily with people our coworkers, our customer’s, and complete strangers as we pass by on the way to our next task. It is so easy to smile and you don’t really even know the impact it may have on another.

Last week I went to a bakery purchased 3 pastries, chocolate éclair I think, and had them write with yellow icing “Smile”. I shared our mission on the way and the project and paid the $8 and went on my way. I took them into work that day and shared them with a few coworkers and just watched. A simple act and watched as they smiled and enjoyed. Success, for those few minutes they lit up, and my little mission, accomplished.

PS. the lady at the bakery counter smiled too.

So with that it comes down to our next power action thought for the day:

Number 45–Do the unexpected not for any reason just because.

Watch the result and know you have just succeeded. You made another smile, lifted a spirit and changed a moment. You just made your mark on that minute of that day.

This is not rocket science and yes it takes a little effort, but doesn’t anything worthwhile.

Today is your day, should you choose to accept this mission you will be rewarded.

These messages will not self destruct at anytime in the near future

Our Good News Section has moved,

Just click on the Good News and you will be redirected..

Till then Smile!! :)

Makemesmileonline's Blog

Welcome to our Blog. Our goal here is to get our message out as much as we can, to as many as we can. We hope you will join our cause and as we say ‘Make a difference today! Help someone find their smile!’

Our home on the web is found at We hope you visit often and most importantly provide your comments, your idea’s for the growth of our cause.

Our mission here is to provide a place on the Internet to promote, share, develop, entertain and educate its visitors and members that the simple yet powerful result of happiness the “Smile” can change the broken hearted, the lonely the sad and help change not only their world but the world of others.

One Smile at a time!

Our goal, to develop an online community to help and conquer the stress that this imperfect world produces. The human spirit that we know can and will produce idea’s, inspiration and energy that will carry it through these tough times.

One Smile at a time!

We will be back in the future to add more, join us. Make a difference.