Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day

Happy Earth Day 2009. To learn more abut Earth Day and the actions you can take please click on the highlighted links. We only have one Earth, one home base that we all call home. Our mission for this project here at is simple and above on our navigation bar you can find 'Our Mission' and click on it. We also have the News page which gives you a little good news and many resources that we have collected for the Resource Page. As always if you have suggestions or idea's on any of our content please feel free to email me at .

We want to make this world a better place with a simple smile.

We all have heard of the movement 'pay it forward', we like to call ours 'smile it forward' if you will, a movement that we all can take part in every day with not much effort.

We all have our moments of sadness or anger and other forms of stress but know this, they are emotions that we all share, but how long do we really have to share these emotions with ourselves and others. If we can limit the number of hours and minutes of bad, and disempowering emotions and replace them with positive thoughts and emotions what a better world, our world it would be.

We can and will make a difference if we choose and ask yourself one question.

Why wouldn't you want to?

Make a difference in our planet this Earth Day!

Make a difference with each other, every day!

Power Action Thought number 186 - - What every day it is on the calendar make it a good day filled with smiles and positive emotions.

We all have a life clock, a time when we shall pass on from this life into another. Make your minutes and hours count. Make them special each and every one of your hours in some way.

Make your time here worth more than just the grave marker that you leave behind.

Till then Smile! :)

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