First for Our Mission just click here .
After you have had the chance to read it come back. Have you read it.
A simple enough mission don't you think.
Now lets start with the ME in Make Me Smile Online, it is YOU the reader. We believe that we with the help of you can accomplish this mission by implementing just 'one smile at time'. But imagine if you will, if you and your circle of influence could help us in the 'sharing and development' .
Compounded daily all of our smiles together. Just think of all the hurt in just your localized space, your immediate area, your work place, your home, your friends, the people you come in contact with.
Read here how the Encyclopedia Britannica defines the term "Social Movement" , click here and then come back.
What if we understood the following together:
The power of a group of like minded people to start something special.
Next what your world would be like if you just took the time to share the simple power of the smile to change someone's moment.
All of our lives our made of 'moments'.
Our lives, all of them near and far are interconnected and understand this little statement that follows.
The past, our past, does not have to equal the future.
You can make a difference.
How? Begin and understand how your smile can make a difference with someone.
Understand that everything begins with you, and if you put forth the effort to smile more people will see the difference and you will feel the difference.
Next, share the 'social movement' that we are trying to start and develop. Share the mission, share the smile and share the power that we as a group have, a group of like minded people that want to make a difference and we will in fact make that difference.
One smile at time.
If you have idea's, if you are reading this now then act, act upon the simple notion that we can help each other to smile, to be more productive and to be enriched with more joy and happiness.
That cannot be too bad, can it?
Power Action Number 21 -- Share a smile, Share our mission, think for the next
few days what this could mean for our tomorrow's and
our future generation's future.
All because of a simple smile and a start of a 21st century movement to teach others, to share with others, to promote with others, how the power of a smile can and will change a life.
One Smile At A Time. Ready lets begin.
Till then Smile! :)
Comments or idea's or want to join us email us at
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