Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Power of the Smile

Sunday morning, coffee at the ready and a keyboard in front of me, not a bad morning at all. This is our 5th Sunday with you and our first full month under wraps at and we are looking forward to much more. Our mission has just started here. Today we want to educate you about the power of the smile.

Ever notice when you look at someone and if you or the other person were not smiling in an instant the smile becomes contagious. If you read the entry onChange yesterday and how we could watch and learn about the smile just by trying our experiment of watching 50 or so go by with no smile given from us and then 50 or so go by with the smile and joy on our face. What would be the outcome? The smile has so much power, a true smile with the eyes and lips can light up a room and bring instant joy.

Ever notice a new born baby and how quick they smile. The joy a baby can bring is amazing. Try this do a search at Youtube and search ‘ smile baby ‘, there is about 34,000 that come up.

Now notice when someone passes away, dies a death of illness or another tragic way, when you look at their face and almost always, you see a sense of peace with a smile in the lips and eyes.

In life and death the smile has so much power to comfort, to heal, and to enhance another.

We here know that through repetition the mind will over time understand this truth. We did not lose our smile from birth we lost the miracle of innocence and imagination.

We lost the dream but if we practice enough, we will get it back. One smile at a time.

I hope you have your gratitude journal. I hope you use it to thank the world around you for what you have and not focus on what you don’t.

We hope you take the time to meditate in a quiet place and prepare your day.

We hope you are free of any addictions, if you are not, focus on the truth of what you really need, we have 6 real human needs that define our spirit.

Power Action Thought Number 120: – Embrace the quiet of a morning, give thanks for what you have and share your smile with the world!

Together the world can and will do amazing things and we want to have you apart of this, one smile at a time! Shared one moment at a time.

Enjoy your Sunday and the week!

Till then Smile! :)

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