Thursday, April 16, 2009

Believe and Trust

What do you believe in? I am not talking about religion or anything of a spiritual nature. That is for a more intimate conversation. No I mean what do you believe in? We should all believe in the human spirit, the human factor that feeds on the inner soul or intuition some call it. We all have that inner voice, hard to define or explain but you have it. Believe in that inner voice, trust in the sense that inner sense of being. I hope I am not losing you here.

We believe in the human factor, the human spirit that is genuine and good. Yeah there is bad in the world but it was not born to be bad or evil. It developed, handed down by generations or just plain ignored into darkness. We are born good, kind and imaginative by nature. We learn hate, anger, sadness and develop tools to numb the human spirit.

The smile, we believe and are convinced can change a moment, a life and like sunshine on a new plant, draw out that human spirit and drive it up to new heights. We trust in you the reader to develop your own game plan for us. We are showing you the playbook, you run the play. Make a difference in some ones life today, this week and see that human spirit rise. A smile can and will do just that. Try it, give one to a complete stranger and say hi ! Be the game changer that we know everyone can be if we just try. A Smile! A simple display of appreciation and of kindness. Give one today! Give one everyday! You just may like it.

Power Action Thought: Number 6 Understand the human spirit was born for greatness.

Once we understand this idea, life can fall into place, one smile at a time!

Till then Smile! :)

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