Change is necessary, change is possible and change in everyday life happens with or without your cooperation.
Awhile back I read the book ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ by Dr. Spencer Johnson. Published in 1998 this book is a must read and the review/summary is found here. A book worth your
time, buy it or go to your local library and check it out. It is a quick read only 99 pages with pictures.
A quote we like about change :
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. — Charles Darwin
and one more for our message today:
The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn. — Gloria Steinem
Change is never easy and seldom welcome. If we as a society can ever unite to change the human condition of apathy, we would be able to reverse so much hurt,
So many of us stumble and slip through life. Unaware and focused at the same time, so many of us muddle through each day never stopping to really look until
a home based crisis sets in. A critical illness in our family, a death or a tragic story that can do nothing to the observer but stop us in our limping tracks.
So how do we change? Like the 5 stages of grief here is our view of this for the question on the table.
1. Denial and Isolation. — ” What, why do we need to change, everything is ok, it will get better… you’ll see” and ” if we just let enough time go by IT will get better”.
2. Anger — “Oh I can’t believe another (fill in the crisis) why doesn’t someone do something.” “This gotta stop, somehow, someway!!!”
3. Bargaining — ” If we can just do this for now it will get better “. ”We can do anything when we need to, we haven’t found the bottom yet.”
4. Depression – “wow, oh my another (fill in the crisis), can’t we just watch something else, change the channel”.
5. Acceptance — ”Ok enough already”. “If this will get better I will make it better, I am the change agent!” the message and our cause is to educate and promote the simple act of a smile can change a life. One smile at a time.
The change in apathy for this cause will come with personal observation with you the reader, the change agent for this cause.
Power thought Action Number 19 ~ ~ Go to a public place and do 2 things. Observe 25 to 50 people pass you by with a grimace or apathy on your face and witness their apathy. Next observe 25 to 50 people pass you by with your smile and joy on your face. You judge how you felt and how many if not all felt from your action.
The mall, the ball game or the park, you pick and you execute the action of the simple smile on others. Try it, give it a shot and become a change agent.
Unlearn apathy. Just because it always was does not mean it always has to be!
Till then Smile!
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