Welcome to our Blog. Our goal here is to get our message out as much as we can, to as many as we can. We hope you will join our cause and as we say ‘Make a difference today! Help someone find their smile!’
Our home on the web is found at www.makemesmileonline.com We hope you visit often and most importantly provide your comments, your idea’s for the growth of our cause.
Our mission here is to provide a place on the Internet to promote, share, develop, entertain and educate its visitors and members that the simple yet powerful result of happiness the “Smile” can change the broken hearted, the lonely the sad and help change not only their world but the world of others.
One Smile at a time!
Our goal, to develop an online community to help and conquer the stress that this imperfect world produces. The human spirit that we know can and will produce idea’s, inspiration and energy that will carry it through these tough times.
One Smile at a time!
We will be back in the future to add more, join us. Make a difference.
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