Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Taxes and Tea Parties

Play a word association game with anyone today and say ‘April 15′ many would say taxes. As in the last day to file your income taxes. Who likes this day? Most of us if we had a refund we sent our stuff in many days or weeks ago. If we knew that we had to pay we sent them in today. So it can be a great day for some and for others not so great. STOP! Don’t let a day dictate your smile.

You have many reasons to smile! You do have your gratitude journal going don’t you?

Play a word association game with others again and use the phrase ‘tea party’ and you will get more stuff about taxes. Here is what is happening today all over the country regarding our tea party’s. Click here to read more about it.

Now, I try not to write about religion or politics on here. So I will keep that in play here as well.

Our focus here at is to promote, share, develop and entertain and educate you the reader, how the smile can change a life. I also want everyone to think how we can make a difference as one person or as a group of people.

Former first lady and now Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, wrote a book It takes a village to raise a child. The book speaks to the concept of how the responsibility lies not only with the parents or with the extended family but also the community in raising a child. A community or all of us can make a difference in the life of a child. So lets expand this concept of ‘it takes a village to’ with this little idea.

It takes a village to make the world smile!

We all have the power to smile and like a row of dominoes one after another another will smile with us. When you make that eye contact with someone today smile and say hello. Does it really matter if they say hello back? No it does not. Some will be caught off guard, some will wonder why, but if we all smiled and said hello and took the time to watch out for one another what a better world this would be. Something to think about today.

Today some of us will pay taxes.

Today some of us will throw tea in the river.

Today some us will see a homeless person and walk on by.

Today some of us will go to a movie to escape.

Today some of us will look for a job and

Today some of us will SMILE!

Make a difference today! One Smile at a time.

Power action thought number 58: What if we all watched out for one another?

What if for every person who went to a movie today we threw a dime or a quarter in too fight homelessness?

What if every movie production company did the same for every ticket sold?

What if?

Till then lets all think how we can make the difference and smile! :)

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