Happy Tuesday everyone and welcome to the last day, the very last day of August 2010!
Make this day a great day, make this day the very best day by doing the following and doing a few simple things.
You are in control of your joy and happiness each and every day, why not make the most of each and every moment.
86,400 seconds in each day each one a gift because when they are gone they are gone!
First get enough rest, sleep is perhaps the best thing to do to give your self a chance of letting the positive flow in your life. When we are tired we let things flow right by us that just may of made all the difference.
Second, hit the ground with a positive attitude of gratitude. Be joyful that today your alive, your healthy, (if your not healthy like you would like to be understand this.....it could be worse), Be grateful for nature, for the stars, for the sunrise that starts each day and the sunset that ends each day. Acknowledge that your grateful in a vocal way. Speak it to the world, or a loved one. What a great day today is!
Thirdly, take a long look in the mirror, search the depths of your soul and smile. Give yourself a break and just smile at yourself and claim that this day will be the best. Better than yesterday, the day before and the day before that. Claim it, speak it and allow those feeling to flow like water flowing in a stream.
Lastly, drink enough water and don't skip breakfast. Breakfast starts the day out right and allows your body to get started internally. Your metabolism kicks in and so will all the other energy if you give yourself the energy upfront.
What can I say about drinking enough water that you don't already know. Our bodies are made up of water by 61.8%. Our brains about 71%.
The earth has over 75% water covering its surface.
We are drawn to water and the soothing sound of a fountain, or rain on the window or the sound of the surf beating along the shoreline comforts us and excites us.
Water has so many properties that our bodies need. It flows as our joy and happiness should flow, it the very presence should allow us to understand that life is always moving and changing and we decide the feelings that flow through our minds and hearts.
You could not step twice into the same rivers;
for other waters are ever flowing on to you.
- Heraclitus of Ephesus
The trees reflected in the river -- they are unconscious
of a spiritual world so near to them. So are we.
- Nathaniel Hawthorne
The water has many healing and building properties, use these properties to relax, to think, to grow, to heal.
Take a long shower! Allow it to cascade over you as if it were washing more than just dirt away.
Take a swim! Allow your body to cut through the water, as you swim through it and propel yourself forward.
Take a listen, as the rain falls, the stream flows by, the fish jump for food, the ocean waves as they crash into the shore taking and giving to its coastline.
Look as the water flows through your fingers and feel the delicate sensations your body longs for as it does.
There is nothing softer and weaker than water,
And yet there is nothing better for attacking
hard and strong things.
For this reason there is no substitute for it.
-Lao-Tzu (c. B.C. 550)
Enjoy your day! Make this day the very best and don't forget to smile, share a smile and love that you could make a difference for someone else!
A video best used to relax and energize the spirit!
To all of you today and everyday smiles are sent your way! : )
Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.
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