Monday, August 23, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom ~08/23/10

Happy Monday and a very sincere smile is sent your way. A new week full of possibilities and dreams about to become reality.

All inventions were once dreams and action put into motion from well crafted intentions became real. When we plan and put our plans into action we get results and when we filter out all the ingredients that lead to the improper results or outcome we delete them from the actions.

Its that simple with goals and plans and it is that simple with the smile.

A smile can light up a room with its reflective powers. You might also say a sad face or a scowl can turn a room a little dark in mood with its reflective powers.

Go back to a time when a loved one or close friend had some bad things happening in their life how did their facial expressions make you feel. Lets say you were happy, joyful and filled with love and you first saw them how did it change your state?

It took you down that dark alley and for that period of time you empathized with them. You put their burdens upon your shoulder.

Is it wrong to do that? Of course not but if you let them keep you in that state even once you move on then your doing yourself a disservice.

We all should have empathy in our emotional playbook. We all should try to inspire a friend or loved one in need by just listening or giving advice as well. It part of being present for them. Being there when a friend or loved one is in need of that shoulder to cry on or just another ear to hear them out.

But should we let another person emotions dictate our feelings. My feeling and thoughts say no. We as that positive presence in the world, in our world and in the circle of influence must remain in the state we wish to be in.

One joy scatters a hundred griefs. ~Chinese Proverb

The by product of joy is a smile and so when we share that smile and its reflective power it helps to decrease the power of grief or anger.

Life is indeed a game and one game that I often think about when working my day is the game of chess. The object in this board game is to use 15 pieces to protect your king from the endgame objective of checkmate. To be put into that final move of checkmate is game over. It is often said that to play a good game of chess you must be able to strategize a couple of moves ahead. Playing in advance the likely moves of your opponent. Such is they way of life, having a plan to execute and having made your self ready for the speed bumps of life and the alterations that must be executed to protect yourself from being derailed or stopped in your tracks.

The greatest pitchers in baseball don't just have one pitch that strikes out their batters they have a few good pitches, the slider, the change up or a knuckle ball and they create an ebb and flow to their game that causes the batter to second guess the pitch or swing to soon or to late. The pitcher who only can throw a fast ball often is the hitter can anticipate that and make proper adjustments.

Life is a game and to play with a smile and joy in ones heart we play to win and get out of the gate with speed and a plan.

So how do we filter out the negative emotions with out being uncaring.

First we don't let others dictate how good we should feel. We live with our joy and happiness without regret.

Second we put our heart close to the vest and stop wearing it on our sleeve, we don't allow another's opinion of us to influence our joy or happiness it truly is none of your business anyway. Your business relies only on your game plan and its execution.

We start each day with words of gratitude and we start each morning with mediation and thoughts that empower instead of listening to words and self talk that take away our joy and happiness.

We remind ourselves that God created us to be servants of our brothers and sisters and he gave us free will to work with a cheerful heart, a heart filled with love and a spirit filled with purpose. We are meant to be happy, we are meant to live a life of joy.

Do we need to grieve and go through other emotions? Of course we do but its not that we should never feel those other emotions.

It's that we should never stay with them longer than we want to. WE control our time shared with these emotions and we drive ourselves away from the current storms.

A quote I want to share here:

“If you are going through hell, keep going.

~Winston Churchill

Life is indeed a game and like chess we need to plan and not delay our thoughts of what our objectives in our life our. But remember this quote as you travel through life this week.

At the end of the game, The king and the pawn

go back in the same box.

~Author Unknown

Its how we play the game, our game and how we share our light that makes the difference.

Making a Difference in life


The difference in life

A life well lived is a life well served.

Serve up some smiles today and make a difference in someones life.

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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so are the smiles!


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The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

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