Happy Friday everyone and welcome to Friday another great week is almost over and a chance to share another weekend with friends and family. A chance to share a smile, spend quality time with those we love and make a difference that just could change someone's outlook for the moment if not longer.
Yesterday I wrote about the game of chess and how it relates to life and the power of making a difference and sharing a smile. I promised to share with you the pieces on that chess board and how I feel they could relate to each and every smile we share and its purpose.
First the most important piece.
The King
Without the king thats you the game of life would be over. The King (male or female interchangeable) is our self. Our ego, our state of being. The king in chess moves one space at a time as should we as we go about our day, our week and month. One step, one thought and one realization as what our goals are and how we want to obtain them. The king is us as an individual never forget to understand you are in control of your thoughts and your actions and your results, both good and those not so good.
The Queen
That is our spouse/family, and again they are not male or female related.
The spouse, or our partner, our better half and our family are always looking out for us. They show unconditional love and concern for our welfare. In the game of chess the queen can travel all over the board unless another piece impedes its progress.
The most valuable of pieces as is its relationship to us and our existence. Family is everything and the love we gain from it and give to them is indeed very valuable.
The Bishops
That is our moods, they protect the king and queen and we control our moods. We need to choose wisely what state of being that we have and how we can protect our state of being. We can control our self talk and how we talk about ourselves, we can control how we perceive our place in the world at any moment. We control our moods and our state. The bishop moves with ease on its own color square at a diagonally way across the board and in life our moods can move in the same way. We usually move straight ahead or backward but our moods can go off on its own if we don't protect them.
The Knights
That is our spoken words, the way we talk and the way we share our love with those we care about. Words have so much power for those that we share them with. Guard them and beware of their power. The knight moves and can jump over pieces to get to their objective and so do our words. They can move with ease and sometimes if we are not careful to watch the direction they go they can backfire against us.
“A bad word whispered will echo a hundred miles”
~Chinese Proverb
The Rooks or Castles
That is our Home, our family they guard the words, the moods and the loved ones within. In chess they can even protect and attack in a straight line across or forward and in live our homes are the sanctuary that we build, the home that we design and the protection for all that belongs.
Love begins by taking care of the closest ones
- the ones at home.
~Mother Teresa
The Pawns
They are our smiles and the steps we take to making a difference in life. The chess board has 8 per side and if we protect them and use them wisely they can do significant results to the outcome of the game. The game of chess and the game of life. If we lead with a smile, lead with the idea that we can and will make a difference then we have a very good chance of protecting our home, our words, our moods and our loved ones. We can also lead a very calm and secure life with knowledge that we are behind the smiles and happiness and we are sending out joy.
The pawns are the soul of chess.
- Philidor
Just like the pawn is the soul of chess our smiles and our motives may be the soul of our life.
Just some thoughts on the simple game of chess. The game is long and full of strategy, take care on how you move your pieces and take care on how you move along today and everyday.
To all of you today and everyday smiles are sent your way! : )
Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.
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