Thursday, August 26, 2010

Thursday Theory 08/26/10

Happy Thursday everyone and welcome to a new day, filled with new possibilities to make a difference and make the world, our world a better place.

On Monday I mentioned how life is a game and I compared it to the classic board game of chess, today I want to go a little deeper on that theory of mine.

Chess, a game that came to us from Europe in the later half of the 15th century and is based on a strategy and countless moves that computers have been used to develop theories to win and control the flow of the game.

The game is played on a board with 64 squares, checkered black and white 8 rows across and 8 columns down. The game is played with 16 pieces and the object is to protect the king and to use the other 15 pieces to challenge the other players 16 pieces and to break his defense to capture or 'checkmate' the king. Which means to capture it with out allowing the king to move another square to escape the attack.

The game has a opening game, a middle game and an end game and such is our life.

The opening game in our life is our early years, how we develop with our friends and family and how we build our faith upon God and the power of prayer to lead us through life's obstacles. The opening game in chess develops the pieces and the power to attack and impede and open up the other players defense to gain a stronghold and still have options and flexibility.

Our life starts with learning blocks and like the blocks on the chess board and the pieces in chess we can use those learning blocks or moments to develop our values and character.

A quote to learn from:

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.

Watch your words, for they become actions.

Watch your actions, for they become habits.

Watch your habits, for they become character.

Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

~Author Unknown

The middle game in chess and in life is our exploration state, our development and our growth. Our family building and our career growth, our plans are developed and executed and to enjoy life and help others from what we learned and continue to learn as we go through all stages of life. The middle game of chess uses the opening strategy to open up and attack to gain the advantage over the other pieces and close into the end game.

The pieces on the chess board I will get into on Friday and how they compare to the smile strategy within our life and family. I think you will find it flows and as flow into Friday so come back for that tomorrow.

The end game in chess is the part that closes out and controls the other players pieces to obtain the goal to win or at the very least come to a draw or stalemate.

The end game of life, we try to stay in that middle game but alas all great things to come to an end. Such is life but in our end game we try to learn others about life and teach the fundamentals to our children and their children and to make this world, our world a better place.

With the power of gratitude, the power of a simple well placed smile.

With the energy of the law of attraction being used for us instead of against.

The power of self talk with words of kind and empowerment and not words that destroy.

The power of prayer and the power of meditation to keep our eyes focused on what is important in life and our later years.

Our trips around the sun are much like the trips up and down the chess board. Sometimes we go forward and sometimes we go back but each time it should be with purpose, strategy and the development of our lives and the lives of others.

The power of you.

The power to change and think and plan and execute.

The power to make a difference, Today!

Smiles to you all!

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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