Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday ~08/24/2010

Happy Tuesday and here is my thanks that I have another day to share gratitude with you, to give thanks for life, for nature that just sings outside of my window. To share your gratitude with the world, to out loud express that today I am happy to be alive.

I found this on The Inspired Room at Theinspirtedroom.net

20 Little Attitudes

of Gratitude

Mind your manners. Say please, thank you and excuse me.

Smile when you see your family. Turn your frown upside down.

Pick up after yourself.

Notice when others do kind things for you, show gratitude by action or words.

Say I love you before going to bed.

Give hugs daily.

Don’t worry about tomorrow. Focus on what you are happy about today.

Create gratitude journals to keep track of daily blessings.

Show thankfulness for even the little things others do for you.

Leave love notes in unexpected places like lunch boxes and under pillows.

Encourage someone with a compliment.

Verbalize what you are grateful for when you feel like complaining about life.

Keep a basket of small slips of paper on the table. Write notes of thankfulness during the week and read them to each other during a family meal.

Remember to thank God for blessings each day.

Surprise your family (or friends) with little gifts or treats to show you thought of them.

No grumbling about minor annoyances around the house.

Do special things to cherish time with your family. You never know what tomorrow will bring.

Reflect on happy memories regularly. Make inspiration boards of special times.

Help someone out without them having to ask you. Watch for someone in need.

When you are doing household chores, be grateful you have a home to clean.

Some thoughts to think of and maybe even print and post. The web site has some positive energy to it and I hope you stop by.

The Internet is full of inspiration and I hope we all take the time to explore the positive sides of the web.

I am grateful.

Three simple words that when we close our mediations can come alive in our heart and spirit.

Make the most of today.

Make the Difference

Make gratitude part of your attitude.

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.



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