Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Prayer and Sunday Thoughts ~08/29/10

Happy Sunday everyone and welcome a new day, a day to give our time to our family, a day to worship and proclaim or faith and a day to claim our thankfulness for the week gone by.

This day is a day is your day, my day and a day for

our loved ones!

What prayers have been answered last week?

What dreams are you speaking into reality?

My prayer for the day is that my inspired thoughts and gifts that are sent are received and transferred into a energy that lifts and helps to develop a better you.

A better you that can 'Pay IT Forward' to those in your circle of influence.

What power we all behold, I just pray that my words may inspire you to 'TAP IN' to your inner self that can and will make a difference in this hurting world.

Thats my prayer today and that I share with you, pass it on!

So what's your prayer that you lift up?

I enjoy sharing some thoughts of the smile and how we can inspire others, even if we only inspire one what a difference that can make.

The power to stop the hurt, even if only temporarily can have a profound effect on healing the pain and stopping the ache that goes on inside any of us at any given time.

The power to look in the mirror into the windows of your soul, your eyes, and say that its going to be a great day and 'I AM' in charge of my day!

The power to share the power to care.

The power of a dream to lighten another's burden no matter how far away they may be in time and space.

These thoughts I leave behind with all of you today! Right now!

This day I want to announce that October 10, 2010 I am taking my lady, the one that makes me smile, the one that lightens my burdens, the one that makes me feel special and loved beyond belief, into a long lasting life of marriage.

Yep thats it! I said it ! A smile on my face, in my heart and love pouring from my soul! With gratitude beyond gratitude I thank her for coming back into my life.

A small private wedding, a small time to lock in our eternal love for each other!

My thoughts and prayers for today.

May your day be blessed! May your smiles abound!

To all of you today and everyday smiles are sent your way! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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