Just understand that Truth is a Natural Law
The sooner we the people who cherish things like gratitude, love over hate, kindness over unsettled tones of disruption, then we have the ability to shine brighter.
Facts are Facts.
Man's law should be based upon benefits for all human kind
Not a select group
Not defined by human differences but by real solutions for the good of human kind
We need to embrace this vibration of truth
Not focus on the alternate facts as they exist only in a false alternative reality
Focus on love, on healing never on hate or the disease
The mind, your mind is the most powerful tool your body will ever possess
Always will be that powerful, use it for good and growth.
Stay opened minded to the energy force of nature
Follow your intention
Listen to that small sense of intuition in your gut
Walk your talk
Follow your dreams
Convert them into reality with true founded process and goals
Ignore the past history of your short falls and make your goals to reach new heights
Live with passion ~ Love with your spirit ~ Laugh often ~ Be kind
Smiles sent your way : )
Stay Safe.
Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.
Share kindness and share a smile!
Embrace always, smile forever and share united.
Victor V Yakin
08 / 27 / 2020