Sunday, August 2, 2020

Found in the Words

Getting Lost in a Picture and Found in the Words (cont.)

Part 2?  Continues? A title for my new post? Help me here.  So the project continues here, making you smile online, sharing some thought provoking photo's that I took myself over my years.  In the coming days I hope to find others who would share* (with appreciation and source connected) their photos.  So submit them if you have a macro picture or mesmerizing style that you would like to share.  Thank you in advance. 

My email is at the bottom. Smiles sent in advance. : )

Niagara Falls American side view Nov. 2019

The picture was a shot late at night a moment of time that makes the water look like a layered blanket.  The texture the colors the distant Canada in the distant.  Love this picture for the frozen second in time.

So many moments pass us by as we work through the day.  A second that we ponder about so many other things.  How important all the seconds in our day are.  We all have 86,400 seconds in our day.  Perhaps 20,000 seconds or more we slumber so 46,000 seconds or so are active and attentive to our daily duties.

Maybe just maybe we need to find the time each day to freeze time with a photo or maybe choose to ponder on a fresh flower and its textures.  Maybe just maybe we can look about someone and admire their efforts and not their faults.  Maybe just maybe we can compliment in a random fashion instead of being critical in a off the cuff moment.

Maybe just maybe.

Moments frozen in time that everyday just flow by with each passing second. But not this one above it is frozen in time in this photo.  All motions stopped for eternity in a photo.

May you have moments that you embrace frozen in your memory.  Maybe its that first hug from the person you love.  Maybe its the smell of a freshly mowed yard or field.  Maybe it is the sound of a babies first cry at birth.

Frozen in your sensory bank and their for the picking any time you want.

Share your time with others, be present.
Share your time with yourself, practice meditation.
Share your time with the world, leave kindness and love.

May these moments be many and may your seconds all count.  Atleast the seconds you slow down life for.

Smiles share this day and everyday. 

Stay Safe.

Be filled with the desire and hunger to breathe and move forward.

Share kindness and share a smile!

Embrace always, smile forever and share united.

Victor V Yakin

08  /   02   / 2020

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