Happy Thursday everyone and welcome to the last day of September 2010. Wow, has the month flown by.
That equates to 2,592,000 seconds that have ticked away. The seconds tick by one by one and we have less than 8,035,000 till 2011 rolls in.
Make the most of your time, your seconds, it takes only seconds to share a smile, a few more for a kind word, a minute at most to improve a persons disposition and state of heart for that moment and it could last the whole day.
Take a stand and lift a spirit of another. It will make all the difference for them and just might make all the difference for you as well.
Usually I have Thursday off, but the last day of the month in the auto biz can be hectic and demanding so I have the Friday off this week. Which will be hectic and demanding with errands and to do's. Sigh. But all the to do's and appointments will be well worth it.
Friday also brings my daughter Tori's Homecoming game at her high school. Full of tradition, and pomp. Exciting times for a junior in high school. She also has 2 other girl friends over on Friday night for a sleep over. So my Friday night will be full of laughter I am sure. Bella the household dog will be in her glory as well with all the company. A dog's life at it's best.
Laughter filling the home! What an awesome sound that will be!
Any time laughter arrives two things happen, time seems to go a whole lot faster and you cherish the moments that moment brings closer to your heart.
Some quotes on laughter in the home:
What soap is to the body, laughter is to the soul.
~Yiddish proverb
"May laughter fill your home, relieve your stress, and strengthen your friendships. Do not let a day go buy without laughing; it is good for your health."
~Catherine Pulsifer
from Seven Gifts To Give To A Friend
Laughter makes a difference in so many lives, it has a contagious quality the same as a smile. It brings joy, cleanses the soul, makes one have a spark of energy and lasts long into the moment.
My theory for this Thursday, to add to a quote from Robert Fulghum this would be it.
Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
And don't forget to smile and laugh some it will add even more balance.
That's my theory hope you hold it close to your thoughts today and laugh like you mean it!
Smiles to you all! : )