Friday, September 24, 2010

Flowing into Friday ~09/24/10

Happy Friday everyone! Last night we had no flow of electricity here, but hey thats what they make candles and flashlights for, to find your way around in the dark.

The full moon shined brightly last night which was very welcome.

I just need to install some skylights.

The weekend is at hand, memories to make and share with the future. Good times always seem to go by much faster, do they not?

However the good times should be stored away in our memory banks and brought back in our gratitude sessions. We should take the time to replay them the same way an awesome play in a sporting event is showed over and over from multiple angles. Why not replay the great events in our life.

Sense the smell of the flower garden in the dead of winter when your shoveling that snow. I know shhhh, maybe it won't snow this year. But we all know those odds.

Sense the sound of your children on Christmas morning and the excitement as they opened the gifts and sang at the Christmas Choral event at school. Do that when they seem to just be pushing your buttons, and you just want to walk away. Let the good events out play the times that make you feel angry or uneasy.

Good times need to be replayed. Let the sound, the smell, the moment relive in your life on command. Photo's are great for this and so is the gratitude journal that you use to share what good is happening in your life. Use these to enjoy life's moments that shine but pass so quickly.

Time goes, you say? Ah no!

Alas, Time stays, we go.

~Henry Austin Dobson

Enjoy each moment of the day! Enjoy each second and enjoy the moments of grandeur and tuck them away for those rainy days in life when little seems to go right.

The power can go out in our homes. The car can forget how to start. The alarm clock can fail to go off, but we decide how to react to each and we choose what channel of life we want to relive.

We do not remember days; we remember moments.

~Cesare Pavese, The Burning Brand

Enjoy your Friday everyone and enjoy life's flow.

Smiles to you all! : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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