Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Morning Happiness 09/20/10

Welcome to another awesome Monday everyone! Ok, I know most Pittsburgh Steeler fans are feeling good and proud as they beat the Titans 19 - 11 yesterday, but they is not a reason to look at today as awesome. Nor is it going to bring me down as the Dallas Cowboys lost to the Chicago Bears yesterday 27 - 20. The Cowboys are 0-2 and heading in the wrong direction and the Steelers are 2 - 0 and are using back up quarterbacks to get it done.

I was not always this way, I used to live and die if my team won or lost, maybe you know someone like this. Their day and week depended on if their team won. Then I woke up to the fact that my joy and gratitude does not come from a football game or another sporting event.

Nor should yours.

The fact is life is impacted by our thoughts and actions. Our habits and our intentions.

Our state of mind and our moods. Our co-operation with nature and tolerance of each other.

Those are facts.

Now life is a team sport and the Together Everyone Achieves More is spot on with the results that we achieve as a team. Some of us try to go life as a lone wolf but if you have some insight to the matter you get more done and climb higher and lift more when someone is there to cheer you on.

So think of these four letters in TEAMwhen your working your life this week. Understand its importance to getting more done and being happier along the way.

T = Teach and Talk

With your family and your friends who are in the trench with you. Let them know your teams goals, a family is the biggest team of all to your success. If you talk with them and teach them your team goals and where you want to go they will have a better understanding of what the plan is and what the end reward can be.

E = Encourage

The constant in any task is belief that the job at hand is manageable and attainable. Lift the spirit of your spouse and your children and give them the necessary encouragement to understand the task and the results that will come as the team moves on toward its goal.

A = Acknowledge

Set backs happen and to ignore them or to say your on the right track when the ball is getting dropped is plain ignorance and blind intentions. Mistakes happen and when they do you go back to the game plan and rework and practice till the mistakes get corrected. Acknowledge the fact that mistakes are part of life and they are not the end of the world.

M = Motivate and Mentor

When we walk the talk and lead by example the best motivation in the world for the team is to understand that it is very attainable. 'IT' can be many things, but IT is the ability that is proven and when others see that light they can follow the beacon. The team can model and follow its steps by the actions of those who have already had success.

Mentor the team, teach, encourage, acknowledge the mistakes and the good things along life's journey. But above all if you want to add an S to the TEAM. Use that S to always be Smiling.

Sending Smiles to you this Monday.... : )

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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