Happy Thursday everyone and welcome to another day to enjoy, to make a difference in someone's life and to let the past be the past. Don't let the past filter into your present let today be its own gift and unwrap the possibilities with no limitations prescribed by you.
The first day of Autumn is today 9/23/10 for much of the world (Europe and Asia). North America celebrated its arrival at 11:09 pm on the 22nd so many people at least in North America welcomed it yesterday.
Fall leaves and hot apple cider. Pumpkin carving and the smell of pumpkin pie. Stores with Christmas decorations and kids trying on Halloween masks and costumes, fun days ahead of us for sure.
I write each morning to share, to inspire and to make a difference.
No, my life is not a bed of roses, and if it was all roses have thorns which come with the territory if you know what I mean. So to say that I struggle just like you or your neighbor, that my dreams sometimes fall short and reality takes a nibble out of my smile from time to time, would be accurate.
But, I catch myself and look skyward more than I fret over the speed bumps in life. I can live with that style of life. I live by the Success statement credited to Ralph Waldo Emerson, which goes as follows:
To laugh often and much;
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;
To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;
To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
This is my credo, my statement of belief and a way for me to focus on what is really important in life. My goal is to make a difference. I write because it allows me to share a part of these thoughts that stir around in my spirit. I know that much of my writing is perhaps automatic that the thoughts don't form until they are on the screen, my fingers just blaze along, (thank god I took typing in school) and form statements quicker than I think them. I thank God every prayer for this. The posts and writings help me as I try to live by them. But to say that I have perfected Victor Yakin, well that would be further from the truth about myself. I fall, I stumble, I choose the wrong setting on the toaster and burn toast from time to time and thats really not all of my failures. I always, always, always pick myself up faster than I fell and look skyward.
I do laugh often and much, sure I would love to laugh much more.
I do work at winning the respect of intelligent people, and my daughter's affection.
Always will I work at winning the appreciation of honest critics and survive the betrayal of false friends. They both come in all shapes and sizes and care little about your spirit or soul. We all must overcome this and know that 'what others think, about us is really none of our business.'
How boring my life would be if I never took time to appreciate beauty, or look for the best in others. How hurtful it would be to our spirit to not take this to task and only look at the worst of people and the gloom of any given moment. Focus on the best and you will arrive where you were looking.
To leave the world a bit better, in what ever way you can, a photo you share, a flower garden you plant, a smile you share and teach others in silence of that smile that they can pass this smile on to others and let the magic flow. To leave the world a bit better for your children and all God's children. What magic we could make aligned with this principal.
Perhaps my favorite line, to know deep in your spirit, in your heart of hearts that even one life breathed easier because you have lived. Just one.... Can you live with that sense in mind and spirit that you, yes you created something for just one soul, just one, that allowed them to enjoy life a bit easier.
I can..... Just my Thursday Theory this Thursday. Welcome to another great day in your life. Pass it on, like your smile pass this great day on.
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