Thursday, July 22, 2010

Thursday Theory 07/22/10

A terrific Thursday to you all!  I hope your day is full of love and joy, we are all born to be loved and to love.  We are born to smile and to be smiled at and today those who read these words know that I am sending smiles out to you as I type this.

Life is meant to be lived with joy in it and you deserve to be happy. Settle for nothing less than that.  If you are settling for less start now, right now and say my days of sadness, depression, disgust are over, now.  Right this very minute.

So do I believe that, really do I.  You bet I do. If you can imagine or go back to a time were you truly felt happy, your smiles went for miles and love filled the air.  Then yes you can repeat history.  It starts with are mind and the dreams that we dream.

Don't ever give up on finding that one true love.

So what else do I believe?  This quote by Robert Fulghum:

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge

- myth is more potent than history

- dreams are more powerful than facts

- hope always triumphs over experience

- laughter is the cure for grief - love is stronger than death”


I believe this is more than theory, that laughter is a cure for grief and yes I know that dreams are much more powerful than facts. Thoughts become things is much more than just a phrase, it is in fact reality.

What we think about, and focus on generates into reality, even if the perception is just ours.

So today stand back and enjoy the birds singing in the trees.

Take a very close look at nature and how it all exists in harmony.

Take a deep breath of the air that flows so effortlessly all around.

These very sensory facts are just outside your front door or right down in any local or state park.  Enjoy them for the show that they produce right now is not only free but they free the spirit to dream, to think, to enjoy and smile with.

Enjoy your day my friends and know that your day and they way that you perceive it starts with the way that you think about it.

Right from the very start, from the very second you open your eyes to greet the new day.  May you all be richly blessed and may your face carry a beautiful loving smile to be shared by many.


Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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