Happy Friday everyone! Welcome to the end of the work week, these weeks seem to fly by or is it that as we all get older, (47 years old here) the time goes quicker. Time, 86,400 seconds in the day just keeps rolling along it seldom is your ally, but we all need to use it like it was a precious resource, which it is. We don't realize what value a resource has until we have little left or its gone. Time, don't waste it.
This weekend spend an extra second or two hugging or loving your children, spouse, mom, dad just because.
Because you love them, because they just may need your attention. Get to know them all over again, put down the paper, the remote, the favorite beverage and just get to hear their side of things and tell them, and show them how much you love them.
I tell my daughter all the time this dating advice:
Listen to what they say but watch what they do.
You get to see more of the real person and their real motives.
Some people talk a good game, but are they bringing it to the table of life.
Some of us even talk a good game to ourselves, to that reflection in the mirror.
Before you can commit to doing anything the WHY
Must be strong enough to get to the NOW of getting it down.
The why of things is everything. Why is everything it is the key to progress. The why must be strong enough and real enough for real action to take place.
Goals need to be written and clear of course but to understand the why of any goal and the importance and consequences of its achievement or failure is the key to unlocking the door to its progress.
Think of it this way, when we look at our watch and we know what time we have to be at work or any other important scheduled even we understand the pressure of getting ready, getting everything in gear and moving towards that goal.
We understand what could happen if we are late, we know the why.
The how flows naturally and it gets done.
Now to another example. When we want something to get done, like lets say breaking a bad habit, biting ones nails, drinking too much, binge eating, smoking the list can go on, it can be a little fuzzy as to the why and when we do complete our goal.
The pleasure of that bad habit has a strong rope around us and it pulls us physically and emotionally and makes it even harder to break that habit. The way to break that cycle, get that huge WHY in place. Understand what could happen if you don't break that habit, set a reward for little steps and successes along the way of your planned completion. Reward yourself for little steps completed. The WHY is everything and understanding that fact will help you and your loved ones get what they really want.
Enjoy the time as it flows by. Like a river it flows and we can't stop the impact time has less than we can stop the river as it flows by. We truly don't want to stop time, what real fun would that be anyway. That happens only once in our lives and we are not there yet.
Thank God for that as well.
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.
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