Monday, July 26, 2010

Monday Morning Wisdom ~ 07/26/10

Happy Monday everyone and you are the author of your own day and at the very least the author of your own happiness.  Today use your smile as the instrument to write express your joy for life and gratitude for everything that is good in the world.


Take a moment to author you day by acknowledging God in your prayers and start your day with a preface of what you want for your day through meditation just take a few minutes this morning to pray a little and meditate a little.  Then wear your smile with pride.

If you did not read yesterday's post here on Gather please take the time to do so.

It will build upon my post today and help with your understanding.

The most important person in your happiness is not anyone else but you.  You must be able to look in that mirror every morning and explain to yourself that you feel great and that today you are going to author a day filled with happiness and gratitude.  Share that smile as you would the air that surrounds you.  There is more than enough air to share and the smile has plenty of staying power to change not only the lives of others but your life as well.

Yesterday I shared a smilie about the actions we take when driving such as steering between the lines on the highway and the simple action of steering your moods between the lines of happiness and joy.  It is much the same.  Too far to the left or right and your in the path of something bad that can hurt you and others.

I also mentioned that life has its twist and turns and speed bumps and pot holes along its way.  But when you hit these you don't stop you keep moving and if something gets broke you fix it.  You can' t ignore it, the problem will not just go away with time.  It may just get bigger and cause other parts of the car/body-spirit-soul to break down.

Life is like that you have to acknowledge the problem, face it head on and fix it.

When you fix the problem, it is much easier to fix it with a smile than with an attitude of despair and woe.  Attack each step in your journey with joy, with harmonious temper and with a smile and watch how much easier it is to move along.

Some quotes to think on today:

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say,

and what you do are in harmony.”

~Mahatma Gandhi quotes; Indian Philosopher


“My temper leads me to peace and harmony with all men; and it is peculiarly my wish to avoid any personal feuds or dissensions with those, who are embarked in the same great national interest with myself,

as every difference of this kind in its consequence”

~George Washington


“He who lives in harmony with himself lives in harmony with the universe.”

~ Marcus Aurelius

So today, this day live with the knowledge that you are the author of your next moment, decision and action.  You are the keeper of your smile and any other tool that you can use to maintain gratitude, joy and happiness with in your boundaries of your spirit and soul.  You and no one else have the key to the door of enlightenment and harmony with those around you.

Wear that smile today, think of what you are grateful for this day.  Outside the window of your home stands today, make the most of it.  Some of your 86,400 seconds have passed and you have the rest of your unspent energy and idea's to make the most of the day.  Use it wisely, use it to make a difference.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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