Happy Sunday everyone, yes the heat still resides here in Pittsburgh but that does not stop pure gratitude, or joy or even a smile. Only if we let it does the smile fade from our spirit. Only if we allow the soul to steer away from happiness and joy.
This week I want you to recognize your driving, the way you stay within the roads lines, too far to the right your off the road, (only if your driving in America) and too far to the left your heading into oncoming traffic.
We drive within the lines to stay safe and secure for us and our loved ones. Drive outside the lines and your heading for trouble.
The same can be said for our moods.
Too far to the left side we are allowing others to dictate their moods to us. Maybe they want to drag us into their way of thinking, the aches and pains, the depression and mood swings or maybe misery just likes company as the old saying goes.
Take our moods too far to the right and we become fixated by the nature of things that are not good for us.
Maybe we allow substance abuse to steer us, or maybe we fix our mood on hate or anger because outside influences push us that way.
Our moods are controlled by us. Just like we would not let the wind push us off the road we must drive our soul and our spirit down the single lane highway of our feelings and we must dictate how and why we should feel the way we do.
We drive between the lines of our happiness and gratitude. We control our attitude. We take the bumps that life deals us and we roll over them just as if we hit a speed bump in our car.
Yes if we hit a hard enough bump or hole we can blow a tire and ruin a wheel or more but we don't allow that to stop us. We fix it.
So as we should always fix our problems not hide them away.
So the next time you drive down that winding road of life, try and focus on our driving and our steering down life's twist and turns.
If we stay close to center and stay focused on where we truly want to be left of where we really don't want us to be or right of where others are trying to take us then we will stay happier longer, grateful more deeply and cheerful for others and ourselves.
Smile or others, smile for yourself and smile to make a difference in the world.
Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.
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