Hey gang, no quote, no post just an explanation and a pause in the action.
There has been quite a bit of "stuff" going on in my life and I just have to at this time put a hold on my writing.
I will regroup and take a look at this decision on March 01.
I have for the last 35 months written everyday here, on Red Gage and on Triond as well as my blog and my website www.makemesmileonline.com.
I have poured my heart and my fingers into this and I do so appreciate your comments, your views, your kind words, your prayers and your thoughts.
I need this time to re energize and re group. I am sorry but you have over 57 pages to reflect upon and maybe that is enough.
May your smiles be strong.
May your joy be endless.
May your dreams be ever present.
God Bless and as always smiles sent your way : )