Monday, July 25, 2011

Monday Motivational Moment *New* 07/25/11

Happy Monday to you all!  Are you ready for it?  The last week of July 2011.  Yeah, another day closer to back to school, and all the kids go...booooo. LOL No just kidding summer has been a warm one has it not?  Wow like it is almost to hot to even go outside at times.  But you put your best face forward and onward you go.
I hope you had the chance to enjoy the weekend and hopefully share a kind word and a smile.
Thanks for all the kind words and the feedback from yesterdays post.  Many of you liked the story I shared about the two wolves inside all of us.  If you did not have a chance please go back to Sundays post. You will enjoy it.
Yesterday I spoke about taking care of those wolves inside all of us and being careful which wolf to feed.
Today I want to continue with that train of thought and ask all of us to be careful of our ego and how and what we say to another spirit.
A quote to start us out on this thought:

Apologizing does not always mean
that you are wrong and the
other person is right.
It just means that you value
your relationship more than your ego.
~ Unknown quotes
Some of us know that at one time or another someone stepped on our toes, they said something meaning well but in the end it hurt us beyond belief.  We may have lashed out or cowered but the effect is seldom good or better than the cause of the hurt.
How are we to react?
The story from yesterday is that both reactive forces are inside of us and have the power and the energy to come out and make a show of power.  But the choice should always be thought out.
Can I save hurting another just because I was hurt.
Can I explain my point of view to the other person.
The most important question, does it even really matter.
Some things in life do matter, our honor, our values, our convictions in life.  So at times you may need to take a few moments and decide your response.
However the outcome you may need to reach out in a way that does no real harm but gets your point across.
If we truly live with gratitude in our spirit for those things that we come in contact with, then we should and must appreciate the things that we wish we would not come in contact with.
The good and bad are merely a perception to the person who perceives the good and bad event.
One persons day at the beach is another persons sand covered aggravation.
Some of us love the rain and the storms that roll through and yet another just had a picnic or ball game rained out.
It is not if we will have a wave come upon us it is only when it will happen. Just as some of us will ride the wave and enjoy it and others will have the wave occupy time in a not so joyous way.
But in the end its how we react to each wave.
What we learn, there is no true failure. Just a lesson in life.
So the next time your space is intruded by another persons comment take time to step back and try to understand their motive.
It is not always wise to react. Sometimes just consider the source.

Smiles to you this day and everyday! : )

Enjoy your day and have a great week.


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