Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Take Charge Tuesday *New* ~July 26, 2011

A very happy Tuesday to you all !  A wet day here in Pittsburgh and a much cooler day as well.  I have to say we needed the rain and it was good for the garden and the ground to get a soaking.  I hope you had such pleasant weather as well.

Todays post is about taking charge in the area of your life, your thoughts and your actions. The area to continue with this weeks theme of sort is keeping your ego in check and giving value to humility.

First a quote shared:

Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts.  It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all.
~William Temple

Humility and kindness not just to others but to yourself.  Humility does not mean having a lack of pride in ones work or taking down our ego but it to me is having a watchful eye for others.
To have the open eyes, ears and heart to look out for family, friends and even total strangers and give a compliment , a kind gesture and even a smile can have profound effects on both.
Being humble.
Being kind.
Being in touch with the importance of life instead of ones own accomplishment.
Having a giving heart and looking close at another persons point of view.
That is putting a much stronger effort into the world instead of self consuming thoughts of ones self.
Another quote:

It is well to remember that the entire population of the universe,
with one trifling exception, is composed of others.
~Andrew J. Holmes, Wisdom in Small Doses
To know that I am that trifling exception and the greater source of outcome is from community and working together towards and for the greater good.
Would we indeed have our government in the shape it is today if they even considered many years ago that statement.
Our government is full of egos.
Full of people that make decisions on not what is right but what is fashionable and profitable for its own purpose.
We need as a society to become more aware of a government for the people not of the people.
Enough of that political stuff, they will do as they will until we sent a much stronger message.
Our message to our agenda is to stay humble even with success and all the gratitude that we have.
Stay kind in a world that is sometimes not kind first or last.
Stay hungry for the right of love and joy to prosper in our life and the lives of those who are important in our life.
What a world it could be if we all practiced humility and kindness to each other.
That is todays thoughts, wish and hope for one and all : )
Smiles to you this day and every day .


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