Sunday, July 24, 2011

Staying in Focus on Sunday *New* 07/24/11

Good day everyone and welcome to another great day to share, to care, to dream and to focus on making a difference in the lives of yourself and others.

What a plan huh?  To share in your joy and gratitude.  To care about the other persons feelings and perception.  To dream that the rest of the world wold love and hold each other in the highest esteem.  To focus on making a difference with such a small amount of effort such as sharing a kind word, a random act of  kindness or a simple sincere smile.

Yesterday I had the pleasure to chat with someone and they asked me what is Make Me Smile Online.  I explained that it is a web site and a blog filled with content that is placed on the Internet some  2 and 1/2 years ago to share and care and dream and focus on making a difference.

To share the power of the simple smile and gratitude in ones life.

To care about others and hopefully have them laugh or smile when visiting.

To dream that they will tell 2 people to visit and push it forward
into something bigger than even I could imagine.

It is free, content and all I post daily. Membership is free as well.  I do pay for the hosting and domain name out of my pocket each year.  I do spend at the very least 2 hours per day, usually out of my sleep time.  So yes I am invested for the last 880+ posts.  I enjoy it.

Now I don't ask much of course but if you do feel like passing along a small donation to pay pal you can do that . My pay pal address is or you can send me a donation to my address at  the following:

Victor Yakin  c/o Make ME Smile Online
11595 Wilshire Drive
Irwin, PA. 15642

It would be appreciated any amount to help in the cause.

I start everyday with a first step of gratitude and passion for the day that awaits me.
I start each morning with prayers of thanks to God above for letting me have another day in the beauty of nature and life.

My focus today will be on how we view others when they hurt us, willfully or not.

A quote about dealing with hurtful people:

“You will know that forgiveness has begun
when you recall those who hurt you and
feel the power to wish them well.”

~Lewis B. Smedes
Yes you knew deep down the answer to dealing with people who hurt you.

The answer is forgive them.

Accept you must that the pain is real.

Acknowledge you must that the event is over, don't let it linger on.

Address your heart and spirit that to forgive and move on is the answer.

The triple A's to getting over a hurt and the ache that goes with it.
Revenge is never the answer because you are now digging a hole for two.

You both will get to share in the pain of hurt but now it gets to be more serious it can turn to hate and bitterness.

So a message to the person who has placed the hurt inside of another and yes we are all human and this quote fits perfectly here before I go on.

The quote:

"When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you."
~ African Proverb
So you may ask what is that enemy within.

The spirit of envy.
The spirit of jealousy.
The spirit of  greed.

Before I go much further a good friend shared this with me and I wanted to post it here.  Thanks Tony B. for sharing this.

An old Cherokee told his grandson, "My son, there's a battle between two wolves inside us all.
One is Evil.  It's anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.
The other is Good.  It's joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth."
The grandson thought about it and asked his grandfather, "Which wolf wins?"
The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

Don't  feed your wolf that hungers for more anger, jealousy, greed, don't feed your ego.
Feed the wolf inside that is hungry to be loved, to find peace, kindness in the world.
Feed the wolf inside that is hungry to have empathy and find truth.
With focus we can choose the right wolf to feed.
With action we can place before the creator above and the angels around us the sense of pride that we had free will and chose the right path.
Dream on and may your dreams become real.
The most grandiose outcome began with a simple dream and some effort.
Stay hungry and stay foolish but don't feed the wrong wolf inside you.
Enjoy your day !

Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU!

Join today !

Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

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