Happy Monday everyone! The last day of January and a new month less than 17 hours away.
It does look like parts of the country will be under heavy snow, we look like we will miss most of it here in Pittsburgh since we have a high pressure system. Stay safe where ever you are on the map.
Here is todays Monday Mojo Mantra:
A new day is here and I will live in the moment A new month starts, and I will succeed. I have my target, my goal. I have my plan and I will not let myself down.
Easy enough, having the knowledge that we control our success is the start. Having the goal that we not only want but we have planned for. Planned to succeed and not give up.
A quote:
Only those who will risk going too far can
possibly find out how far one can go.
~T.S. Eliot
What are you going to do with today?
What are you planning to succeed in the new month of February?
Aim ~ Fire ~ Repeat step on till you succeed.
Aim at your goal
Fire your plan and your desire up, what results have been achieved are they in line with your goal? Revisit your actions to align with goal.
Repeat step one AIM!
It really is that easy 2 steps with a whole lot of desire to win!
Have a great day everyone and happy Monday.
A new day is here and I will live in the moment A new month starts, and I will succeed. I have my target, my goal. I have my plan and I will not let myself down.
Fire and desire and ACT now
Repeat as necessary!
My wish for you today and everyday? Enjoy it and Smile!
Share and Care and above allow yourself to enjoy life!
A Monday Morning Mojo Mantra for you today this Monday!
Focus on what you can do today, right now is everything and the only thing relevant to accomplishment of your goal.
Smiles sent your way today and everyday!
Happy Monday everyone! : )