Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday Morning Reflection and Projection ~01/22/11

Happy Saturday everyone a new day full of moments to enjoy with family, with friends. A day to not only make memories to reflect upon but to project out our love and smiles to the very same people.

I write each day in hope that I can make a difference for just one mind, one person so that they may think a little differently about themselves or a situation and perhaps place a smile on their face with hopes that they pass it on.

That is my mission and hopefully just one can achieve and feel my intent.

My writing is automatic and I type what I feel and think at that moment but my intention is always the same, to send out a smile and kindness.

I often wonder why more of us can not get the purpose of the smile and of a kind word. Why we can't reach out more often and quit the zero sum game that many of us join in on.

Zero sum is a theory that Investopedia describes as follows:

A situation in which one participant's gains result only from another participant's equivalent losses. The net change in total wealth among participants is zero; the wealth is just shifted from one to another.

Life and experience can be that way. A zero sum event where we push our knowledge around but do not partake in accepting of it. It could be working towards a goal that would benefit ourselves and others but in the end we don't open the final door that would help everyone we just look for the door that helps ourselves. By doing that the balance of power and success erodes and no one is really helped.

In relationships we do that, we go about our own agenda that may not be in agreement for the betterment of all parties but if it helps ourselves for the moment we feel like we won but in the end we really lost. Zero sum someone wins and the other loses so no one really wins.

Why not project out our true intention to those we care about. Let the other parties know what we truly want and compromise so that everyone wins. A non zero sum game where the effort helps all parties concerned and not just one group.

Take the hybrid and solar moment for energy. A group of people understand the importance of harnessing the energy of the sun or battery power. They work and put others to work making the goal of using less fossil fuels and the local and national governments provide tax incentives to allow the movement and growth of these energy types to expand. A non zero sum effort where everyone can win.

Take the opposite situation where a group of bankers and investor's created banking and mortgage products that almost destroyed our economy and put investors in a true ZERO SUM game that hurt retirement earnings, employment numbers and placed our economy in jeopardy just so a few could win.

Perhaps we can look at the current rhetoric of health care in America where the large HMO's control who and how much health care is divided out amongst the masses. I support private enterprise and believe that health care should be a competitive product even across state lines, however I also believe that if an United States Armed Forces and the United States Government can provide health care then even the poorest among us should have the chance to provide health care to their family.

It would be nice to think that everyone has a firm footing and has the ability to provide for their family, however reality says that not everyone has that ability. So should we continue a ZERO SUM game of the have and have not's or should we realign our thinking and demand that everyone makes a contribution to society that enables them to have health care for their families.

We need to rethink possibilities and rethink what we do with our opportunities to help each others. We are all in this together and everything we take and use will have an accounting for. The question is will it be a zero sum game or a non zero sum game.

Make a difference today.

Share your personal gifts that God has bestowed on you today.

Become a fanatic for decency today and share your love today.

Happy Saturday everyone!

Just a projection for you today, a smile sent your way.

A smile wide and broad and full of love possibility.

A hope and a prayer that once you receive that smile you can reflect upon it the whole day through.

Till next time......Smile!!! : )

Stay Hungry ~ Stay Foolish

Some thoughts on sharing a smile, your smile with so many who come within your circle of influence.

Till next time....share a smile, make a dream come true and make someone's else a bit happier.


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so are the smiles!


Make ME Smile Online

The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !


Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference

A video to enjoy this Saturday from June 2001 from former President Clinton on this same topic as he saw it.

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