Happy Sunday everyone and welcome to the last, the very last day in February 2010. Ok, is it just me or did this month seem to last forever. Goodbye February hello March. Yes I know that March may come in like a lion but hey the saying goes it leaves like a lamb. Todays mantra is as follows:
Spring in 19 days, short and sweet February is over-
Here comes March right around the corner-
So what will it bring another storm or two -- Maybe
But spring is closer and we can savor that truth atleast for now.
Sunday, time to start a new. A new week, a new way to start our visions for a better month.
I hope indeed you take time to plan out your March. What do you want to accomplish?
What do you want to plan this year? Seeds for a better garden? Seeds for a better life?
Seeds for a better body? Seeds for a less strife? You are the planter and yes you will get to nurture and one day sow what you reaped. Plant carefully and nurture what you have with love.
We have much you know. We always have hope and dreams but dreams and hopes with out action is a formula for empty promises.
Take action, take steps to make your days, weeks and months in 2010 better.
True we can't make the weather go away, it will stay with us as it will. We can plan to tolerate it with more grace and maybe a smile. Even if the smile is one of disbelief and wonder it is better that a growl or a stressed outlook of denial.
Make a difference, choose to focus on what you can change, even if that change is within only you. Oh by they way....often only the change of ourselves is often what we have control of only in fact.
I want to share with you a quote about focus by Guan Yin Tzu:
Don't waste time calculating your chances of success and failure. Just fix your aim and begin.
Something to think about today, just fix your aim and begin......
On another note, I wanted to share with you a group that indeed is focusing on what many have experienced in their treatments in hospitals and in nursing homes. The focus is on fixing and educating the growing numbers of Healthcare-Associated Infections or HAI for short.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), at any point in time, 1.4 million people worldwide suffer from infections acquired in hospitals.
The web site is haiwatchnews.comand its focus on being a resource for the consumer and health care organizations.
HAI Watch is your resource for collateral and supplies to help keep your organization aware of the importance of healthcare associated infection prevention. The following guidelines on hand hygiene in healthcare settings and other tips are available now, but keep checking back. New HAI awareness tools will be added on an ongoing basis.
A quick video from their web site:
This link has been added under the resource link on Make ME Smile Online. (The ME is really all about YOU).
The power of each and everyone of us to make a difference is within each and everyone of us. Stand up and take back control of your life, plan, execute and decide today to make that difference.
Till next time....Smile and share that smile with another today!
www make me smile online dot com