Happy Sunday everyone! Hope your weekend has been a great one and hope you had the chance to share you smile! Yes another day closer to spring and our mantra today:
Spring only 26 short days, the ground is cold
but our thoughts abound
and soon we will see a Robin Red Chest return to our sight.
Wow do you really think has has taken a return flight?
So here is some thoughts this Sunday. A day to share with your family ideas, hopes, dreams, faith, and promise. Share your smile along the way!
This week will come to a close as the final week of February is here.
How has your month gone for you? If your in the Northern USA you indeed saw much snow, ice and frigid temps and with out a doubt a challenge to just stay warm and safe. My thoughts to you, March is on the way. Yes it will come in like a lion, roar a few storms but these shall pass, the worst maybe over.
March, the third month of the year. Chinese call this year the year of the tiger. Sounds about right thus far.
We need to become the tiger. Focused, hungry and enabled by our very existence to be the hunter instead of the hunted.
We need to share the vision, our vision with our family. Share our dreams, our hopes, our goals and unite others to help us to reach those goals.
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
Yesterday is gone, maybe not forgotten but to dwell upon has no value for your future.
To dwell on the past only allows it to take apart piece by piece moment by moment your energy and focus to make your dreams come true.
Focus on today and your new opportunities that lay ahead.
Your past is indeed the past.
Your future has yet to be written. Write with passion and love.
Till next time....... Smile and share a smile with another!
www make me smile online dot com
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