Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday Morning Reflection ~ 02/13/10

Happy Saturday everyone and welcome to the weekend! Yes it is still cold, blustery and snow abounds here in western Pa. I took a few minutes last night to watch the winter olympics last night only to find out that Vancouver has problems with not having enough snow and warm temperatures. Go figure huh?

This week has been a tough one for many for the family of Jennifer Daugherty who trusted one to many and because of her kind nature lost her life in way that is hard to understand or fathom.

Her story if you have facebook become a fan by clicking here.

Keep your prayers with this family.

It is often hard to fathom why someone feels the need to kill or worse yet torture another human life.

What causes that person to do that? Why? How?

I write this post and handle the affairs of Make ME Smile Online for the 99% of people who want to be happy, want to share a smile or just want to enjoy their life a bit better.

We can't and we shouldn't focus on the 1% of the population that just is not in touch with human rights or human needs.

We can be nice and share a smile but to spend to much time wondering why and how they do the things they do wold waste valuable time of our own. Prayers and our own intuition will provide enough to keep them at a distance.

The following post is a reflection of a post that I wrote back in May of last year. I hope you enjoy it. From May 28th, 2009.

Breaking down walls

Life is a journey, sometimes we forget this simple statement. We often go about our journey with good intentions in our heart and mind. Then we run head long into the wall.

Walls we always seem unable to climb over, run through and often they discourage us. Sometimes we feel that our smile is not getting through. We get that 'why bother' feeling and we let that affect our smile and we feel like giving in, even to ourselves.

So what should we do? How do we break down that wall and show that person we really care? We want them to see us for what and who we are. So what should we do?


Wow, how about that?! Let me explain what I mean by nothing.

Be yourself, show what you have to offer to them. Be kind, and don’t change what you bring to the table. Why should you let the wall your running into change your smile? Change your happiness?

You shouldn’t!

No one person should have the power to make you feel bad about yourself, your efforts and deny your ability to share a smile! To try to make a difference!

Don’t ever, and again I mean ever, give another person the ability to take away your smile.

Would you ever go back for seconds on a spoiled piece of meat? Would you? Do you think it will change if you will it to? No you don’t.

I am not saying give up and run away from the wall.

I am not saying give up and quit trying to be a positive force in their life.

I am saying that don’t beat yourself up over the inability to make an impact in their life. Maybe just maybe your next smile might just make the difference.

Let your joy shine like a beacon in their darkness. Let your joy be a continuous reminder of your spirit, and your love.

Having said all this there is a difference, a big difference, in a wall we have hope in, and in wall that is solid and stable than in a wall that is physically or emotionally beating you down.

Don’t try to justify. That is not a wall that is a raging earthquake, a volcano that at any second can hurt, burn and destroy your body, spirit and the spirit of your loved ones.

Run, don’t walk to the nearest exit. There are enough resources out there some even on our web site. Click here for our resources we have posted.

I repeat run don’t walk to the nearest exit. You may wonder what is on the other side of that door, you may worry about the how of it all. But don’t worry about the why of it all!

Till next time, stay true to yourself and smile! : )

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