Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Giving Thanks on Tuesday ~ 02/09/10

Happy Tuesday everyone and yes its a day to give thanks. Sure, guess what we survived the blizzard of 2010. Yes we are going to get some more snow today and Wednesday. But we have the East coast toughness to get through this.

How many days till spring you ask?

Countdown to Spring (click here)

So other than that here are my top 3 things to be grateful for in my life.

1. My Attitude. Yes I give thanks to my parents for this. Oh they had some faults but they taught me so many things about not giving in or giving up.

That a smile will always start your day off with the right tone. I thank God for giving me that lesson learned.

2. My desire to read and learn new things. Yes much of my time not on Gather and Facebook I listen and read about getting stronger and better in the area of joy, positive attitudes, mental toughness. Do I still have faults and flaws in this area? You bet but each day and each new thing that I learn I place that into a new habit.

3. My faith in God. Yes I believe with all my heart that we are created not cast down by a monkey. I believe in the power of God to empower us to do the right thing. I believe in the free will that we all have. That God does not cause or create tragedy but he allows us to know what is right and wrong through the Bible, his written word. So many people ask why and how could Katrina happen, or war, or floods and famine. They happen many times out of our own disregard for nature, laws of cause and effect. We learn many times that one person a mad man can create so much havoc. We all need to be watchful and mindful of what we can do to create greatness and good in our life. We have that power we just need to unleash it.

So those are mine. What our yours?

Have a great day today and I hope you stop by and visit the new home page for Make ME Smile Online. It's new, fresh and let me know your thoughts on it.

Till next time......Share that smile and share that gratitude.

www make me smile online dot com

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