Sunday, February 7, 2010

Some Thoughts on a Sunday ~ 02/07/10

Happy Sunday! Ok, for me and I hope for others it is. We are home, electric is on and heat is running. We came home around 9am this morning and fed the dogs and let them out. Then we turned the water back on and shut off the facets. So all seems to be back in order.

Oh yeah the trees are hanging low and there is still some worry that they could cause a power problem. I pray that they do not. We shall see.

With out a doubt this has been the most snow and ice in such a short period of time in my memory. I hope and pray that all is well with you and your families.

My thoughts always flow and sustain on the power of a smile. We went to Denny's for breakfast this morning and through al that is going on the waitress who's name was Bonnie was very efficient, polite and wore a smile even though she was very busy. With only one coffee machine working she did her best to keep her section with coffee. She showed the power of the smile as she went about her duties.

My other memory was the desk clerk at the hotel in Greensburg, the Sherton Four Points. The girl behind the counter was very kind and actually showed that she cared about my excitement of returning home to my heat and electric.

We all in our lives face adversity.

We can face it with a positive attitude or an attitude of anger and why me.

Life happens and so does the waves that we swim with or against.

A recent meeting that I attended recently at work talked about such a thing. The talk was much about what we allow people to dump upon us.

For example we all know that we should and hopefully do look at our glass/cup as 'half full' not half empty. It is a more positive way of looking at life.

But the point that is about to be made even if your cup is half full do you allow other people or circumstances to fill it up to the top with junk and garbage that will just bring you down.

The cup a styrofoam one, get one, write your name on it. When someone starts to dump on you, put you down dump it out. Clean it out with your hand. Don't let another person place their negative emotions on you.

Two quotes I want to share by Eleanor Roosevelt she is quoted as saying these:

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”


“Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events;

Small minds discuss people”


I wish you the very best this Sunday and I hope you enjoy the week to come.

Till next time.....Smile and lighten up your day and another's

www make me smile online dot com

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