It is only when we silent the blaring sounds of our daily existence that
we can finally hear the whispers of truth that life reveals to us, as
it stands knocking on the doorsteps of our hearts.
~K.T. Jong
After you read this post and before you go on to your next make some deliberate time for solitude. Be still and be quiet.
Listen to your whispers of truth, just be still and listen.
Present your most pressing or dominant problem or life struggle and be still.
Be quiet...... Listen to the silence, to your inner most thoughts.
Silently and with out hurry lift your pain, your worries, your noise up to God in prayer. Give thanks for all that you have that is good and ask for the wisdom, admit your weakness and turn the problem over to God and listen to the whispers of truth that your heart already knows, its knocking, do you hear it?
Only in quiet waters do thing mirror themselves undistorted.
Only in a quiet mind is adequate perception of the world.
~Hans Margolius
A quiet mind, no noise, no music, no t.v. perhaps a walk and a sit in natures glory. But no noise, no sitting in traffic is noise. Find that quiet place, a lake, an empty park, a quiet forest.
Listen and be quiet and sit still from all the noise this world has a habit, a daily habit of presenting.
Be still
Be quiet
Give thanks
Present your troubles to God
Be still
Be quiet
Inside myself is a place where I live all alone, and
that's where I renew my springs that never dry up.
~Pearl Buck
Renew your springs of joy, of laughter, wear your smile, that simple smile as you would a fresh clean shirt. Wear it, use it, share it.
Often I think that being alone, living alone, sucked..... no... our thoughts suck.
Our beliefs and perceptions, suck. We don't use solitude or that quiet time enough.
I used to love when my wife, Janice would call me before or after work. I looked forward to it to share, to listen, to compare notes, to share love.
But, when faded away, as her love and commitment did, the perception turned from waiting for her to call to me calling her, and often the call was quiet, on sided, and inattentive towards me and towards each other. The quiet on her end was deafening and nothing I said or could do would help.
Next Monday would have been our 1st anniversary.
Who does that, leaves in the first year, turns their back on commitment and just goes, does not call, sends an email and wants nothing at all. Who does that and what are they truly about?
On my wardrobe for that year stood a vase and the bouquet, the wedding bouquet of flowers, I left there and yesterday got very tired of looking at .
So I took the vase and the bouquet and removed all the artificial flowers, ribbon and took it apart and discarded in in the family trash can.
For 359 days those flowers stuck together, showed beauty, shared the binding of the floral tape and wire.
It was about 20 days longer than we stuck together. It was time to discard them.
I appreciate the effort and time the person that made these took, the beauty that they saw in those flowers separated was much like the beauty that I saw in Janice when we first met and years later when we lived together.
The fact is the flowers meant nothing, signified nothing and they too deserved to be unwound. Maybe not tossed away but everything has a shelf life in the artificial flower world. Shelf live in marriage should not exist it should be forever.
I takes work. It takes both parties effort and commitment. That she walked away from. The phone still does not ring. And it won't. Nor will an email from me flow, or a text, or anything at all.
I will choose to be quiet.
To be still
To listen
To love
To share
To heal
To laugh
To smile and I will wear that smile proudly. So should you......
As always smiles sent your way ! : )
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