Sunday, October 16, 2011

Faith, in our design and our purpose

The grass withers, the flower fades:

but the word of

our God shall stand forever.

~Isaiah 40:8 KJV 2000


" We cling to our own point of view,

as if everything depended on it.

Yet our opinions have no permanence;

like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away.

~Chaung Tzu

Oh how our point of view can matter so.  It can mean everything to us of course but it too over time and experience shall change.

The things we cared about as a child changed as we became an adult. They same things that were important changed once again as we became a parent.

As the seasons run by us and the winters turn to springs one thing we can be certain of our faith in God.

Now I know that I share with you my belief and faith and it is not to lead you to that it is truly just me sharing.

I believe that faith and spiritualism is a personal thing and only you can be lead into your beliefs you can never be dragged there.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for

the evidence of things not seen.

~Hebrews 11 : 1

Just because we don't see the wind does not mean it is not present.

We see the effects of the wind.

We see the effects of God and his creations.

A passage from Ralph Waldo Emerson from his essay Nature:

In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befall me in life, -- no disgrace, no calamity (leaving me my eyes), which nature cannot repair. Standing on the bare ground, -- my head bathed by the blithe air and uplifted into infinite space, -- all mean egotism vanishes. I become a transparent eyeball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part and parcel of God.

Indeed how how nature returns us to source.

The roar and sound of the ocean waves.

The peace and tranquillity of the forest.

Nature how intricate its design and how intricate is our design.

Built with two legs and feet to carry us.

Built with two arms and hands to hold.

Built with one heart to pump life and to embrace love.

Designed to have two eyes to see, two hears to listen and one mouth to speak.

How intricate its design.  Built for love and making a difference.

Yet for most its a body built to kill and destroy, overflowing with the ego to have more, control more and possess.

Nature does not posses anything.

It just exists for our pleasure and eco system.

It does not hate but can express fury.

Nature how impressive and full of God is thee.

Explore your faith.  Understand and learn more about what our design and build can be put to better use.

Love each other.

Embrace laughter.

Share that simple sincere power of the smile.

Just as I do with you here, today.

As always smiles sent to you this day .... : )


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We encourage - We want to entertain - We share -

Believe and make a difference.


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