Saturday, October 15, 2011

About Getting Well and Moving On

With the past, I have nothing to do;

nor with the future.  I live now.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

I must say I love Emerson, he simplifies so well.  On Make ME Smile Online's Mission Statement his view on Success as he defines it fits well with my spirit.  It keeps me grounded sort of speak and allows me to focus on what truly matters.

What truly matters to me is feeling the awesome responsibility of being a parent. Of loving your children and no matter the fault that they have or the problem they may have created you still love them as you would water or oxygen.  That unconditional love that a parent has for their child is greater even than the love of a brother or sister.  They are you and you want nothing than the best.

What truly matters to me is helping another breathe a bit easier because you made a difference, you shared a kind word, some advice, a smile, a gentle touch even if your miles apart.

If fact Facebook has that power, last night a picture came aboard and so it is easy to embed right here in this post.  Ok so it didn't embed, tried it wouldn't I forgive Gather and its software. LOL

The picture reads:

FORGIVENESS is not something we do for OTHER PEOPLE

We do it for OURSELVES - to GET WELL and MOVE ON.

How very true.....  We do it for ourselves.  We all know that hate, bitterness, anger can resonate and bounce off walls stronger and harder than those of love, contentment, happiness.

Hey bad news travels faster and so does hate.

But when those walls are the walls of our spirit, our inner self then what destruction they can do for the inner lining of our true spirit and purpose in life.

Stop, forgive, move on and heal.

There is many of us who have pain in our life.

The pain of loss, a death in our family, or circle of friends it is loss and it hurts.

The pain of a separation, a partner who leave us, who wants to throw in the towel, maybe greener grass so they think, maybe just poor relationship skills, maybe just bad habits that keep derailing them and now it effects not just them but you.  And

The pain of being wronged, losing a job in a tough economy, losing money that we need to pay bills, to help our family.

All pain hurts and the sooner we find ourselves.  We find our center and we look slowly at our current footing we will feel that pain.

We all need to forgive.

Forgive not for them those who hurt us, but for us who needs to move on.  To stop looking back and look at the present footing we stand upon.

God is good!  God wants us to succeed.  Pain and hatred and suffering is a part of life for sure.  But so is forgiveness, love and implementation of a better plan.

We must forgive in order to start the healing process.

We must stand before we can walk.

We must walk before we can run.

We move on, we get better and we start the healing process as soon as we say so.

Say so today.

Say so now.

Forgive and move on!

We are children of God.  We are able to overcome anything.

History shows this time and time again, the strong in faith and love and hope will survive anything.

One prayer at a time.  One step at a time.  This moment in time is yours.  Take control of it.  Take hold of it.  Love always, live for today and Smile.  Laugh a little too.  But smile, look in that mirror that hangs on that wall... and smile and let that soul, that spirit that looks back at you know that not only can you move on, be happy, smile in the face of pain but you will and that will starts now.

That 'will' starts now.

May God Grant  You the Serenity to Accept the Things You Cannot Change... The Courage to Change the Things You Can and the Wisdom to Know the Difference.

May your day be bless and my you start the process of growth and love and joy.

As always smiles sent to you this day .... : )


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