Monday, October 17, 2011

Saying Hello to the World

Don’t believe what your eyes are telling you.

All they show is limitation. Look with your understanding,

find out what you already know, and you’ll see the way to fly.

~Richard Bach

What do you let your eyes see everyday?  What does your perception add to your experience for the day as it unfolds?

Do you see the traffic and start to grind your teeth?

Do you allow your day to pile up on your nerves before it even starts?  Getting your muscles in your neck tight and nerves on edge.

We all have allowed this to happen.  Let the morning news or talk on the radio wind us up or bring us down and let that limit us to the kind of day we really want.

A day filled with laughter, love, progress, success, joy.

Listened to a song late last night from Lady Antebellum the title

Hello World......

I enclose the video here...the words speak volumes.



The noise we allow to filter through to our heart and the truth that is pushed away.  Amazing the words.  In the song the little girl in the red rust van with just a simple wave, a simple smile that brings new meaning.  Hello World indeed.

We all let the noise of the world make us cold as steal, we all feel broken at times. The worries, the bills, the relationship struggles.

It all adds up.

But with understanding, with faith, with prayer and when we take the time to listen and look at the most important things we will find more joy.

Its there right now.

We will find more laughter.

Its there already. Ready to be accessed.

We will find more success.

The body will function better with less stress.  The mind works clearer when we allow those simple things to become real.  To fill our heart, to fill our spirit to bring joy.

Surrender and believe!

Hello World.....and your day begins with a smile : )


As always smiles sent to you this day .... : )


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