Friday, September 2, 2011

Laughter in the morning

Welcome to a new day, this day is yours lets enjoy it and make it filled with joy!

Here is a thought lets start today with a prayer, with some gratitude spoken aloud and a moment of hearty laughter, the kind that comes from the gut.

Even if you don't feel like it lets follow along here


Spoken aloud gratitude

Hearty laughter

A bible quote from Psalm 126:2 ESV

Then our mouth was filled with laughter

and our tongue with shouts of joy;

then they said among the nations,

"The Lord has done great things for them."


Prayer, spoken gratitude and hearty laughter each morning, heck try it what do you have to lose.

A story from CNN:



Are you laughing yet?  Getting the picture.

Prayer, spoken aloud gratitude and hearty laughter from the belly.

Even if you don't feel like it.

Tell me what do you really have to lose -- to gain?

Better health?

A better morning?

A better life?

Go on enjoy your day filled with morning laughter.

A quote to leave you today with :

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge

myth is more potent than history

dreams are more powerful than facts

hope always triumphs over experience

laughter is the cure for grief

love is stronger than death

~ Robert Fulghum

Smiles sent your way   :  )


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