Thursday, September 1, 2011

Being Thankful

A new month, a new day and a fresh smile sent your way!
I write today to share a smile, to seed new thought, to entertain, and to give thanks to you - the reader.  Thank You.
Thank you for your comments, thank you for stopping buy and may the day bring you much joy and happiness.

1 Chronicles 16:34 NKJV
Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for he is good!
For his mercy endures forever.
" The six most important words: I admit I made a mistake.
The five mort important words: You did a good job.
The four most important words: What is YOUR opinion?
The three most important words: If you please.
The two most important words: Thank You
The one most important word:  We.
The least important word:  I. "
~ Author Unknown

Maybe with a quote like that the author took it to heart and did not want to take any credit.  Maybe it was all about what she/he could give to all of us and not bask in any credit that she/he wanted to attain.  Maybe.
Giving thanks, such a simple thing but so much importance given to those two words.  The phrase 'Thank You' needs to be sent out much more.
Sent to God above for a fresh day restored.
Sent to the mirror when we gaze in our soul.
Sent to the day with all its majesty.
Sent to each other for friendship received.
Sent to our co-workers who brighten our day.
Sent to our customers who really do make us our pay.
Sent to our family who love us for who we are.
Sent to our love to let them know how grateful we really are.
Send out that 'Thank you' each chance you may get, because it will send out energy that will increase and flow on.  Your spirit will shine and your heart will grow.  Not grow in size in the physical sense but grow in maturity and grow in the gift that God meant for us to sow.
Give thanks!

Oh, once again..... Thank You!
Smiles sent your way   :  )
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Sharing since March 09, 2009
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