Happy Wednesday everyone and welcome and walk with me through another great day, Today is your day! You make the smile from your heart and share it with everyone but always share the first one with yourself! Your day will go much better and practice does make perfect.
So last day of a formatted post. In the future the post will have its title but no mention of the day within the post. The line up for each day will have a theme but not necessarily a formatted title. Tomorrow is day one of the new month and I will share with you then the flow and intentions.
But for today a walk through Wednesday and the last day of August 2011.
What ever happened in your month walk with your head held high, looking ahead not with your eyes looking down. If you look out far enough in front you will still be able to prevent most problems. But you also will have the sky and the horizon in your sight.
Looking down does little for the spirit, and nothing for the heart.
Smile and share that first smile with that morning mirror.
Love and share that with all even those who may hurt or dismay you.
Share in the Gratitude that resonates in your soul.
Pray to God for wisdom and direction in your daily activities and forgive those who may have hurt you. They really have no control of your spirit and soul, only you can allow them to harm you.
Just some thoughts on my daily outlook for today and September 2011.
The month is coming to a close.
The new month awaits us all!
A quote about looking ahead:
Finish each day and be done with it.
You have done what you could;
some blunders and absurdities have crept in;
forget them as soon as you can.
Tomorrow is a new day;
you shall begin it serenely and
with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Finish each day and be done with it what true words Mr. Emerson shared.
I also share with you this quote to ponder today:
We crucify ourselves between two thieves:
regret for yesterday and fear of tomorrow.
~Fulton Oursler
Never let your self become that thief. Stay focused in the task at hand.
Focused not on your past mistakes or others misgivings to you.
Something I too need to incorporate in my life.
With prayers I enter into that direction. Prayers sent up each day.
May God gently guide you into your new day.
May smiles easily flow from your lips.
Smiles sent to you across the miles : )
Make ME Smile Online
The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !
Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference
The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !
Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference
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