Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Take Charge Tuesday *New* ~ August 30, 2011

A very happy Tuesday sent out to you today : )  Almost the end of August and a new month, with new challenges, new visions and new opportunities.

May this month ahead be your month!

I don't often or have not often shared to much personal happenings in my life on here.  In fact starting in September I probably will share even less in my daily posts.  These posts are meant to inspire and entertain not share the stuff I am going through.  I write out of inspiration and not what I am experiencing at any given moment.

My wife, my love Janice has decided to move on and move back to MI.  There I said it. Yep, done shared and yes I am indeed saddened, angry, upset, sleepless, unexplainable to my logic and common sense.  I personally can't explain it other than she misses her family, ie. her son.

Now my feeling is her son chose to leave her before I came in the picture and she came because of what she saw and new from prior experiences with me. She made some vows last October to marry me, honor, share, in sickness and in health ....oh stop .....never mind that not many people honor those vows anymore.

Oh sure they do if they were raised in the 30's and 40's maybe the 50's but something happened to America in the 60's.  Marriage has become a new wallet to hold pictures and memories and discard when it become old or faded. Marriage has become like a women's purse fashionable when it goes with the event or outfit but discarded for something else later on.  How sad.....

So on my heart will go, flow but not cease of course.  The pain of heartache is unexplainable but of course songs have been made, movies produced and words written to explain it but only if your in the trench of a current outbreak can you understand that those forms of explanation fall short.

I thank those on Face Book who comforted me yesterday, your messages, chats helped me and I value your friendship.  Thank you.

So back to the post.... Taking Charge is the message and of course in September the format or titles will change but this last Tuesday in the month we shall stick with empowerment of taking charge.

First a quote:
God can heal a broken heart,
but He has to have all the pieces.
~Author Unknown

Every morning I give my heart to God, in prayer and in thought.  It keeps me focused and gives me a sense of his strength and outlook for our lives.

God created us to be happy, strong, independent and interdependent of him and his word.  Plain and simple and very clear in his instruction.

His word has that power to instruct and I seek his direction and will for my life daily.

The word overcome came to me last night.  What a interesting dual intent word.

Lets define (Collins English Dictionary)


1. to get the better of in a conflict
2. often passive - to render incapable or powerless by laughter, sorrow, exhaustion, etc. he was overcome by fumes
3. to surmount (obstacles, objections, etc.)
4.  to be victorious

What a dual word you can overcome in victory and be overcome with defeat.
You can overcome a sickness or illness or be overcome with the same.

Its not like the word Victory, or Good and contrasted bad.

A very unique word that begs for other words to explain its meaning.  How powerful this word but how weak the absence of others to help in its development.

My thoughts for my day to day is to overcome in the positive sense,  Overcome objections in the process of selling, Overcome any heartache in the process of healing.

May smiles be plentiful for you all this day.

May love find you and the simplest of ways.

Love, Share, Dream and Believe!

When we love and we share and we dream and believe that will make all the difference in our development and the development of those we care about.


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