Happy Sunday to you all ! Smiles and well wishes sent to all that last week as awesome, and that this week will be even better for you and those you care about.
My focus today will be on the power that we give to thoughts of anger or revenge. How we allow our mind to pick up more and more thoughts that do not empower anyone much less our selves.
We need to limit those negative thoughts and limit the effect they have on our spirit.
My Sunday posts under the new title will hopefully encourage us to focus during a time when so many distractions can blur our thoughts and our direction. Today the focus is on limiting thoughts and the special focus on anger.
Call it what you will anger, revenge, jealousy, spiteful thoughts are so common in human emotions. It drains imagination and hurts the spirit of love, joy and stops the ability to make a positive difference in another persons life.
Why do we let this emotion run around and frolic in our soul?
The emotion of anger has ruled all they back to biblical times.
Anger has destroyed kings, killed brothers and sisters and harmed innocent.
The perception of anger is from within us and at times that perception of an event is unfounded and not a part of a realistic or factual event.
How often we let anger rule our moments. Why? What good does it really do to feed into the emotion and let another persons actions determine our state of mind or state of heart.
Some quotes to think upon and perhaps focus on before we allow anger to rule our emotional state.
Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools.
~Albert Einstein
Anger is a killing thing: it kills the man who angers,
for each rage leaves him less than he had been before
- it takes something from him.
~Louis L'Amour
Be not angry that you cannot make others as
you wish them to be, since you cannot
make yourself as you wish to be.
~ Thomas Kempis
Take some time to focus on these. The last one to me speaks volumes.
We all want to better ourselves, have more time with family, do more for society, become more talented and love more freely. But yet we struggle, we stumble and we come up short in our goals at times. It is not our intention to fall short, life happens or we just need to rethink and evaluate our actions and plans. But the point is we fall short and if we can not make ourselves the way we wish us to be, then why get angry and mad and jealous of another who is struggling with his own short comings.
We all want to better ourselves, have more time with family, do more for society, become more talented and love more freely. But yet we struggle, we stumble and we come up short in our goals at times. It is not our intention to fall short, life happens or we just need to rethink and evaluate our actions and plans. But the point is we fall short and if we can not make ourselves the way we wish us to be, then why get angry and mad and jealous of another who is struggling with his own short comings.
My thoughts are we should not and we must not.
Anger is unhealthy, impractical for future growth and causes more of the same negative energy to flow around us.
So why allow it.
What makes you angry?
Take some time today, and focus on the last few times you allowed anger and jealousy in your spirt and soul. What good did it do?
How did it make you feel after you overcame the anger? That is if you indeed overcame it of course.
My prayer is that you can focus on this word and put it in the same pile as hate,
Keep it away from the empowering thoughts and actions that can help you to grow and expand instead of contract.
Live your life, don't get into the game of trying to live the live of another.
Live your dreams, don't let another slow down that process and even stifle your creative thoughts that will allow you to get closer to your dreams.
Live with love, why would you want to live with anything less than love?
Lots of good questions to ask yourself today. As I have written in the past 'if you ask better questions you will get better answers'.
Have a great day everyone !
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Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference
The ME is really all about YOU! Join today !
Stand out in a sea of frowns and Make a Difference
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