Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sizzling Saturday *New* June 25, 2011

Happy Saturday and welcome to the weekend, a day to make memories, spend with family and yes yet another day for me to work..... Life happens right, I am not the only one that works on Saturday. Quite a bit of other awesome and happy people work the weekend.
So of course this is a new post topic, on this day we are going to share with you the power of Sizzling.
Each week I will share with you a new way to look at how we act, interact and hope to get you thinking about whether you are a slow burning ember or a flame that sizzles. Maybe a little bit of both.
When I think of Sizzling of course I think of a very exciting and unique, passionate, exciting experience.  Maybe its an outdoor event, a weekend getaway, a wonderful moment in nature.
The word enhances just an ordinary event or moment into one with great emotion.  To me sizzling is a multi sensory experience.
A sizzling steak on an open flame is much more exciting than cooking a meatloaf in the oven.
A sizzling party is one that is filled with laughter, passion and motion, you almost wish it would never end your having so much fun.
Soon we will celebrate our Independence on July 4th and have fireworks that light up the sky with light and sound.  The air is electric when the grand finale arrives and you can almost hear the crowd and excitement sizzle.
Last Saturday I shared with you the power of words, that can have a sizzling effect on a conversation, or a moment.
Instead of using the word, good as in I feel good, we have the option of saying I feel phenomenal.
Words have power they can pop or sizzle a moment.
We have the power and resources to make life's moments sizzle with our attitude, our laughter, our passion for making a difference.
So today and yeah try it everyday, choose your words carefully.
Think before you just give some mundane and boring response that is almost said like a reflex.  Take time to feel life and its passion that is all around.
Passion in the flowers and trees that we are blessed with.
Passion in the pets that love us with total unconditional energy.
Passion in the family that looks for the same things we all look for in family, love, concern, significance and joy.
Today let it sizzle.
Today and everyday your in charge of your moments, make them sizzling not fizzling.
As always smiles positive energy sent your way. : )

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